Have you forgotten what I've done for you?

Kyung-Wan stared at his sister for some time before turning his attention back to the TV.

"Yuri," he drawled. "Tell me, how long have you been seeing this guy? From what I understand, you've never been on a job for more than 4 months."

At these words, Yuri's posture visibly stiffened and her eyes darted around nervously.

"Hmm?" Kyung-Wan stretched his arms over his head as he continued. "It seemed like when I was away, you began to lose you touch."

He pointed at Hyun-Shik's face. "For guys like him, the job usually gets done in... 2 months, I'd say."

Yuri's lip trembled as she listened to her brother. She felt really close to losing her mind at the moment. Although her anger bubbled inside of her dangerously, she still couldn't refute her brother's words. She felt that she had to say something, but found no words to defend herself.

Kyung-Wan sneered at Hyun-Shik's profile and decided to just ask his sister, "Or have you fallen in love with this guy for real?"

"Park Kyung-Wan!" Yuri stood up to her full height. "You shut up this instant!"

"Yuri," Kyung-Wan continued to sneer at her. "I thought we've already established the basics for this trade. But it seemed like you forgot how to run our 'sweetheart deals'."

Yuri's hands began shaking as her brother continued.

"Let me refresh your memory," he said as he watched the TV screen intently. "Step one: Study your target. Acquire information about his background and profile. Know what kind of woman your target likes. Avoid being seen during this time. Step two: Embody the personality of the woman your target likes. Practice, practice, practice."

"Stop," Yuri started to whisper pleadingly. "Kyung-Wan, I-"

"Step three: Approach your target. Learn everything there is to know about his schedule. Begin showing up at public events. Get his attention and employ the push-and-pull technique if needed. Step four: Start a relationship with the target. Gain his trust and affection enough for him to give you anything you want, including access to his personal accounts and finances."

"I never-" Yuri started to protest, but stopped when her brother stood from his perch to walk towards her.

"Step five: Take away everything the target owns and leave them with nothing. Do not make allowances for them since there will come a time when they will come after you."

Kyung-Wan grabbed his sister's chin and forced her to look at him.

"All of these, we've done in the past, Yuri," he continued as he prevented her from turning away. "You're saying you've long erased your past? Sister... Have you forgotten what I've done for you?"

At this, Kyung-Wan released her and bent to pick up the picture that she had been looking at earlier. He studied their smiling faces carefully.

"You may have forgotten everything, Yuri," he said as he handed the picture to her. "But not me. Prison was hard for me, but I did it to save you."

Yuri just stood there blankly. Seeing as she just stood there, shocked, Kyung-Wan dropped his hand.

"You made a mistake the last time we ran this job," he continued. "You killed a person but went to say you were a victim. In turn, I went to jail for it. You changed your identity and then left me."

Yuri shook her head and covered her ears, unwilling to listen to her brother.

"No..." she whispered. "No, please. Kyung-Wan, I didn't-"

"Tell me, Sister," he lowered his voice. "Are you going to make the same mistake again? Are you going to fall in love with your target again? Fall in love with the person enough to kill him?"

He walked up to his sister again and embraced her trembling body.

"Let me help you, Yuri," he said in a gentle tone. "Let me steer you clear. Calm down and tell me everything, so I can guide you on what to do next."

He rubbed his sister's back, consoling her.

"We can't afford to make the same mistake," he soothed her. "Tell me everything and we might just be able to turn this unfortunate event around."

As Yuri began to calm down, her heart and mind wavered and she decided that it might just be beneficial for her if she could use her brother's skills to help her out of the rut that she was in.