You have to know the reality of your relationship with the person you speak so highly of.

"Where the hell where you?!"

Mi-Young turned around to find Bae Yuri coming up behind them. It looked as if she just came out of a store from across the way.

Yuri marched right up to her small assistant who looked like she was gawking at something and stopped short when she noticed her own brother standing not too far off. He sported an amused expression as he looked back at her.

'What is he doing here?' She raised an eyebrow at her brother, questioning him silently with her eyes. He just gave her a slight shrug and pointed secretly at her assistant.

"Why is he here?" Yuri lost her patience and turned her chin up at her brother.

"Sister Yuri?" Mi-Young looked back and forth between the two of them.

"I didn't tell you to bring anybody," she snapped. "So, why is he here?"

"Ms. Bae," Kyung-Wan interjected on the small assistant's behalf. "Your assistant thought you could use my help carrying some of your stuff, so she brought me along."

Yuri's mouth twitched.

"You're being paid to drive," she said pointedly. "So, drive. There's no need for you to meddle in other people's jobs. And you," she glared at Mi-Young. "If you can't do your job right, don't enlist the help of somebody as inept as you."

Mi-Young's hands were shaking with silent anger at her employer's words.

'Inept?' Her hands balled into fists at her side.

And as soon as Bae Yuri turned to walk away, she felt a light clap on her shoulder.

'Brother Wan?'

He was looking sympathetically at her. "Let it go..." He whispered and smiled as he passed by her to follow Bae Yuri.

She stood there rooted for a few more seconds before she allowed her anger to slowly dissipate from her body. And though her footsteps were heavy, she soon began to follow the pair as Yuri continued her shopping spree.

'I really should leave...' She thought as she walked. 'But I need the money... And really... Where could someone like me get a better job as an assistant?'

She continued to lament her situation on her own, not noticing that the 'driver' was then quietly conversing with her boss.

"Yuri-ah," Kyung-Wan said in a low voice. "You really ought to give the kid a break."

Yuri rolled her eyes at him.

"Speak for yourself," Yuri retorted. "Don't even think of cat-fishing that girl, Park Kyung-Wan."

"Well, I don't know what you're talking about," Kyung-Wan glanced at the small assistant's profile. "But isn't she just the sweetest-"

"Quit while you 're ahead," Yuri warned. "You are not to touch her. She doesn't and won't have any value to you. Plus, you'll be found out easily."

"You're no fun," he grumbled. "I mean, you brought me into this, so I don't understand why I can't have fun."

"You're idea of fun is one that would surely ruin everything that I've been working for," she gave him the side eye and continued walking. "Just shut up and be grateful that you're out and about."

Again, he just shrugged.

He remained deep in thought for a few minutes as he and Mi-Young followed Yuri dutifully around the mall, her seemingly unending itinerary bringing them everywhere there's a designer item. Just as the three of them exited a jewelry shop near the mall atrium, Park Kyung-Wan stopped on his tracks to look at something.

Or rather... Someone.

'Oh, I almost forgot...' Park Kyung-Wan smiled to himself. He waited until the small assistant was out of earshot before he grabbed his sister by the elbow, effectively stopping her in her tracks.

"Yuri-ah," he said before Yuri can begin with her expletives. "I just thought you should know. Your boyfriend and his fiancée are here too."

He nodded towards the direction of a famous jewelry store, Glamour.

Yuri stared at her brother for a few good seconds before moving her gaze towards the jewelry shop. Her face, which was graceful for all her appearance today, contorted with mild fury as she watched her own 'boyfriend' laughing and chatting animatedly with the Chung heiress as they entered the jewelry store.

'Don't tell me...' her brows furrowed. 'They're on a date? It's not even lunch time!' Her thoughts went askew as she tried to rationalize what she saw.

Song Hyun-Shik came in his work clothes, his casual retro suit. And from the looks of things, so did Chung Ji-Eun, with her work dress on.

'It's a work day and it's still early. So, why are they together?'

Yuri felt an overwhelming wave of anger.

'It's been days since he last talked to me! A message? Not even! And now he's here with that wench?! I didn't agree on this arrangement just so you could push me aside, Song Hyun-Shik! You can't have your cake and eat it too!'

Fueled by her silent rage, she began to move towards the direction of the store but stopped when she felt her brother's hand tightened on her arm.

"Park Kyung-Wan," she gritted her teeth in an effort not to shout.

"You're really going to embarrass yourself, dear Sister, if you go there now," he said lazily. "Just wait for him to call you. He'll come to you soon."

"I don't care what you-"

"Sister Yuri?" Mi-Young saw Yuri struggling with her 'driver's' hand on her elbow. "Is there something wrong?"

Park Kyung-Wan adjusted his hold a little as Mi-Young came closer to the still-struggling Bae Yuri.

"She said she feels a little ill and would like to leave now," he said as he prevented his sister from rushing towards the store. "Come on, little girl."

Park Kyung-Wan held the struggling Yuri firmly as he led her away from the store and towards the elevators that would take them to the parking area of the mall, his sister's little assistant following closely behind them.

He inwardly smiled at the result of his ministrations as he observed Yuri's silent fury. In fact, he got more than what he bargained for with his sister's reaction at seeing the actual pair live in the flesh. He didn't want to say it, but he felt oddly satisfied with Yuri's show of anger at this simple interaction.

'That's right, little Sister. Do not be complacent. Fear your position. You have to know the reality of your relationship with the person you speak so highly of.'

He can't say anything to her now, what with her small assistant standing there and observing them. But as he gave his sister three short taps on the shoulder to remind her to calm down, the look Yuri gave him at that moment showed him that she was already in her own world, planning her own move.