Make it clear who you're protecting.

"Is there somewhere we can talk in private?" Song Hyun-Shik asked as he looked around the busy hotel lobby. "This is not really the right place for us to have an actual conversation."

"Yes," Oh Jaehyun nodded. "I'll take you up to the lady's private office. We can talk there if you wish."

After getting the nod he needed from the young CEO, he turned and gestured for Song Hyun-Shik to follow him.

'I could roughly guess what this is about,' Jaehyun thought to himself as he walked towards the elevator that would take them up to Ji-Eun's floor. 'And here I thought I'm finally getting a semblance of a peaceful day.'

The hotel staff gushed with renewed interest as two good-looking men walked past them to get to the elevator at the other end of the lobby.

"Ms. Chung sure is lucky," Oh Jaehyun heard one of the female workers say as they passed by. "To have two handsome men visit her this early morning."

He had to fight back a small smile as he nodded to their staff.

'I'm sure she's not going to see it that way.'

After exchanging a quick word with a group of workers about an upcoming event to be held at one of their ballrooms, Oh Jaehyun proceeded to take the solemn-looking Song Hyun-Shik up to the private floor of the hotel. He had, on one occasion, taken Song Hyun-Shik up to Ji-Eun's office, so he was certain the former would be familiar with it.

Stepping off of the elevator, he turned to Song Hyun-Shik. "This way please," he gestured towards the office.

Once inside, Oh Jaehyun faced him and nodded to him politely. "Would you like anything to drink, CEO Song?"

"No, I..." Song Hyun-Shik sighed. "I'm alright."

Oh Jaehyun waited patiently for him to speak, all the while carefully observing his expression.

Finally, Song Hyun-Shik looked at him earnestly.

"I know it's been some time, but..." Hyun-Shik said. "I would like to apologize for the way Bae Yuri had spoken to you back when you visited my Aunt's company."

Oh Jaehyun held in his surprise at the young CEO's words, keeping his face devoid of expression.

'What? He's apologizing?' If Song Hyun-Shik was not in front of him right now, he wouldn't have believed it.

"Yuri has always been impulsive and overly passionate when it comes to relationships," Hyun-Shik continued. "She said some things that were unnecessary that day and for that, I must say I'm sorry. I failed to notice her frustration with everything that's been happening and she seemed to have taken it out on you."

Jaehyun's mouth twitched. He had already expected then that Bae Yuri would run her mouth, but what he did not expect was for Song Hyun-Shik to come and apologize for his girlfriend's outrageous behavior.

'But really, the way I'm understanding this, he's only apologizing for the way his girlfriend acted, not for why she did it,' he thought to himself.

"CEO Song," Jaehyun coined his words carefully. "I-"

Song Hyun-Shik shook his head lightly. "I understand your position to speak up for Ji-Eun, I really do," he said, cutting him off. "But you have to understand how hard this situation is for Yuri too. And with no one to speak for her then, she felt the need to outwardly challenge somebody."

Oh Jaehyun's initial surprise began to fade, mild annoyance taking its place, though he would never let it show on his face.

"CEO Song, if I may," Jaehyun started. "I'm sure by now you're aware that Chung Ji-Eun would never require me to speak up for her for anything. She's somebody who can hold her own in whatever situation she finds herself in. I only did what I did because lines have been crossed, rash words were said, and there was a need to remedy the situation."

Song Hyun-Shik let out a small laugh. "There was a need to remedy the situation?"

"I understand that she's having a hard time," Jaehyun continued. "But throwing a nonsensical tantrum and almost causing a misunderstanding at her own workplace is not going to help her situation."

Song Hyun-Shik's eyes had a glint of steel in them as he looked back at the stoic secretary in front of him.

"You really are loyal to Ji-Eun, aren't you?" Hyun-Shik shook his head. "So much so that you refuse to let slide a single slight to her name."

'If that was really the case, I wouldn't have let you get to this stage with her,' Jaehyun wanted so much to refute his statement but found that he couldn't lest he wanted to upset her ever-critical employer. 'But I trust her decision. So, even if it means I have to deal with people like Bae Yuri, I'd do it.'

"The fact is, CEO Song," Oh Jaehyun said with a tone of finality. "I've made my position very clear since the beginning. I am here to help Chung Ji-Eun. I exist to protect her interests and her well-being. Perhaps you too should make it clear who you're protecting."

After saying his piece, Oh Jaehyun gave him a formal bow.

"First off, I apologize for my show of inflexibility, CEO Song. I didn't mean to offend you in any way," Jaehyun said. "If there's nothing else, I'm going to let the lady know you're already here waiting for her," he said.

"Yes," Hyun-Shik sighed audibly. "I think it's best we leave it here for today."

Oh Jaehyun nodded back at him and started to walk away.

Watching the stoic man walk towards the office doors, Hyun-Shik waited until his form disappeared completely.

"Who I'm protecting, huh," Hyun-Shik sighed and closed his eyes, seemingly deep in thought.