The true way to cultivate

"Li'er no matter what you cannot ever let anyone know of this. I will inform only Yun'er and your grandparents of this. For everyone else we will say that your talent matches Yun'er and you built Qi for a day. Although this caused a huge uproar once, it is less likely to do so a second time as people will already expect you to have a similar talent to Yun'e." Li Jie explained to his son the need for secrecy in this matter.

"I won't tell anyone Father, but why shouldn't I say it?" Qin Li was puzzled by his father's order but would never refuse to do as he was told.

"If anyone was to ever find out that your talent was so much greater than everyone else's you may well be killed by rival forces in order to prevent you growing into an undefeatable enemy." Li Jie calmly explained the darkness in men's hearts to his five year old son.

It felt horrible having to describe the cruelties of humanity to an innocent child, especially to his own son. Yet it was because he was his son that he would not shield him from this.

The sooner Qin Li understood the nature of the world, the better equipped he would be in life. Especially considering the hanging blade above them all of the enemies that could attack at any moment.

'Are people really so horrible?' Qin Li couldn't help thinking this as he heard his father's explanation for why he could never say the truth.

'Also, Mother and Father say that it took three days for me to step


Qin Li had considered informing his parents of a strange dream he had whilst stepping into the Elementary Foundation Realm however his memories were hazy, in fact he hardly remembered anything at all. He was sure he met a dragon... or was it an old man? Being unable to remember anything substantial was why he didn't mention anything to his parents.

Instead he had started his training in earnest, spending three months starting to build a foundation that would last him a lifetime.


Three months after shocking his parents with his first step into cultivation.

In the training grounds of the Myriad Sword Pavilion, the sun shone high in the sky above the picturesque view surrounding the training grounds. There was the lake to the side with the waterfall running into it and steps leading down from the stone training platform.

A cool breeze was blowing throught he air as sounds of a training sword being swung could be heard.

"Good Li'er, now swing the sword across the body! Good! Now next stance!" Li Jie was diligently training Qin Li in the basic sword forms today once more.

The past three months had been a joyous blur for Qin Li, learning more about the Dragon Monarch Manual from his mother and learning the sword from his father. He hadn't seen his brother who had been staying in the Heavenly Sword Sect, but apart from that his life was almost perfect.

The peace and harmony of the Myriad Sword Pavilion, being together with his caring family, striving everyday to improve. All of this felt like home to Qin Li now.

He was currently studying yet another basic sword form, his father had said that in order to create a new cultivation technique learning the basics behind aspects of martial arts could help pave the way for his future path.

The only way to create a new cultivation technique was to study multiple techniques and understand the commonality between them, however the best way to see through these techniques was to understand the martial power they would provide. The best way to do this was to have a robust understanding of martial arts which requires diligent training.

This was a cycle than Li Jie had explained to Qin Li, it would enable him to train himself, see through his opponents and help provide a foundation for him to build his insights into the future from. For Qin Li though he was simply happy to train together with his father.

Li Jie was one of the most famous swordsman in the Central Sword Realm, even amongst the other ascended realms his name was well-known as a genius of the sword. To Qin Li learning the sword from his father was a huge blessing, it would allow him to learn from a prodigy who would diligently train him to the best of his ability.

"Father, the basic sword forms are fine but can't you teach me a powerful sword technique so that I learn faster?" Sweat dripping from his brow, Qin Li felt his exhaustion from practicing the same basic sword forms everyday. He wanted to learn a super technique to improve rapidly.

Li Jie laughed at his son's childish request, knowing that in his youth he had made a similar request to his father. It was normal for a child to get bored easily and easy to forget that.

"Li'er the basic sword forms will provide the foundation for you to be able to create your own sword technique in the future. You may choose to create a sword manual cultivation technique, or a body refinement cultivation technique or a completely different type of technique based on all manner of options." Li Jie smiled at his son as he explained a slightly altered version of what his father had done to him.

"Having a sword technique accompany you as either your cultivation manual or as a martial technique will allow you to always progress at a steady pace in at least one form of your cultivation." Li Jie reassured his son as a calm smile appeared on his face.

"Do you mean that because I can always improve my sword technique there will always be improvements in my cultivation?" Qin Li looked at his father skeptically, not believing what he was told.

"Haha, I can see you don't believe me you little brat! Do you really think that I would lie to you?" Li Jie couldn't help but chuckle at his son.

"Although there may not always be a direct impact on your cultivation if you are not cultivating a sword manual, by constantly improving your insights into the martial way and cultivating your mind and heart with the sword you will naturally create more chances to breakthrough any bottlenecks that appear!"

Qin Li's eyes glowed as he listened to his father's explanation, by constantly improving his martial way or cultivating his heart and mind he could still improve.

This explanation had helped him to understand the use of repeated efforts on a much more personal scale, but he was still skeptical that he couldn't practice more formidable techniques.

"Father, I understand that I should always cultivate using the method you've explained but I still don't understand why it has to be the basic forms!" Qin Li raised his objections once more, determined to learn a better technique.

'This brat is ignoring his father! F*** watch how this daddy teaches you, I'll beat your a** with these basic sword forms!' Li Jie kept a calm facial expression but internally was preparing to teach his son a lesson malevolently.

"Then come at me, I will limit my strength to the Elementary Foundation realm like yours and will only use the basic sword forms. I will show you the use of these forms!" Li Jie goaded his son into coming at him through a challenge.

Qin Li could tell that he had somehow fallen into his father's trap, but he did want to understand why he was wrong so he could only go along with this.

He knew he was probably about to experience a whole world of pain for this though so he prepared a counter attack for his dad.

'Old man, you think you're so smart for setting me up like this?! Watch how you're going to suffer for this in a moment!' Whilst prepraring himself to be beaten, Qin Li lightly shook a bell without Li Jie noticing.

The bell made no noise and so it appeared that nothing had occured, yet time would tell if that was truly the case.

"Okay Father, here I come!" Raising his sword across his body, Qin Li stepped towards Li Jie and slashed as he had done in countless rounds of practice.

Li Jie casually moved his leg half a step sideways and parried the attack. He then brought his other leg to the front and used the moment to slash vertically downwards as the basic sword forms stated.

Qin Li hurriedly braced himself to parry the blow coming from above his head, as there training swords collided he lightly pushed his body away and used the moment to power a horizontal slash towards Li Jie's exposed side.

Yet that was exactly what Li Jie had wanted, his open side being a feint to trap his little opponent. He casually sidestepped the attack and slashed his sword down hard on his son's exposed back.

Whap! the wooden sword made a strong sound as it struck Qin Li's back, sending him tumbling to the ground and hissing in pain.

"Stand up! Again! Come at me!" Li Jie mercilessly roared, demanding more from Qin Li, refusing him a moment's rest.

"Hargh! Take this!" Qin Li shouted as he scramble to his feet. Charging once more as he did.

Taking a different approach, Qin Li this time came at his father with a reversed approach. approaching from low and trying to step close to his father to make his longer reach a weakness rather than a strength.

'Clever boy, you already thought of this on only the second attempt! You truly do have a talent for battle, able to quickly assess the best tactics!' Li Jie calmly assessed his son and was deeply proud of the result.

For a five year old child that had only been practicing basic sword forms for three months, Qin Li showed an absurd talent for observation and calculation on the battlefield.

Yet although he would grow into a monster, for now he was still too young and weak!

"Too slow, you can't get close to me so easily!" Li Jie used his strength to halt Qin Li's charge whilst also stepping back, once more creating the distance between them.

'Damnit, I won't accept this just like that!' Being unable to prevent his father's actions, Qin Li instead decided to change tack.

As Li Jie stepped backwards, Qin Li jumped forwards. He jumped over Li Jie's sword and cut downards with all his strength.

'F***! How'd he think of that so quickly' Squatting almost into a horse stance, Li Jie raised his sword above his head and used his position to repel Qin Li.

About to be pushed into retreat in the air, Qin Li used the momentum instead to power a spin as he moved over Li Jie's head. He once more slashed downwards at Li Jie, this time striking towards the back of his neck!

"Do you think it will be so easy!" Li Jie spun and slashed his sword calmly, striking Qin Li square on his side and sending him barrelling across the ground until he collided with a rock ten paces away.

'Oh shit, I used too much strength! Did I crack a rib then? I have to make sure Ruo'er doesn't find out or I'm dead!' As Li Jie regretted his actions he suddenly felt a chill cover the area.

Li Jie shivered as he sensed danger that he couldn't understand and turned his head to see what had caused him to sense such a threat to himself.

As he turned his head he face paled and his palms became plastered with sweat. Stood behind him was the most terrifying sight of his beautiful wife's charming smile, along with his eldest son's sympathetic gaze and another person standing behind Li Yun.

His wife alone would have been enough for Li Jie to know he was a dead man, but now there was a far more terrifying person here too, he knew he would suffer today like he had not suffered since he first started training Li Yun and almost the exact same situation had occured.

This terrifying person was none other than his mother, Wang Fang!

Qin Li climbed out from the rock that had stopped him wincing but instantly started smirking at his father's demise.

'You thought you'd beat me for free Old Man?! I knew Grandmother was here and she would beat your a**!' Qin Li felt like not only had he not lost, he had definitely beaten his father now!

Glancing at his son, Li Jie's face drained of color, his body shivering in fear. He could not process a smart way out of this, speaking the first thing that came into his head. He made an excuse and ran.

"Oh Father needed to see me about some business in the Heavenly Sword Palace, I'm already late from training Li'er I best go now!" Barely putting the words together, Li Jie blurred into motion as he used his full strength to attempt to charge to the Heavely Sword Palace!