Power levels

Kade had already been searching for multiple days but to no avail. He'd come across many Mortal tiered beast but none with Bloodlines. He even found a couple tier one beast but it was all useless. how was he supposed the eat something he can't kill.

It was like winning the the lottery, there weren't many Mortal tiered Beast with a bloodline. In fact It could be said that a bloodline is what enables a mortal tiered beast to become tier one. If you don't have a bloodline by birth it was nearly impossible for a mortal beast to rise up.

while some beast may be born teir one their bloodlines could be so horrendous that they can't make any progress to tier 2 or 3, let alone become a Ferocious Beast. Kade knew at the very least he needed a bloodline that would take him past the three tiers and onto the ferocious beast level.

At the ferocious beast level their where 3 more tiers to break past. Kade could only dream of breaking past the 3 ferocious beast tiers and becoming..... At this point kades dreams stoped and he thought "huh I wonder what's after the ferocious beast third tier". From the dream pavilion books Kade knew each major level had 3 minor levels called tiers. You had to break past the three minor levels 1st before you could break into a major level. Daydreaming and thinking made him excited like the leveling cap being raised on your favorite game, he couldn't wait to reach the peak. With the help of the godly triangle he knew one day he would look down and see the previous peak of cultivation.

Kade giggled at his thoughts with glee. He assumed he must have loved weak to strong stories, books about culltivation , and games about underdogs during his human life. Because whenever he thought about getting stronger or leveling up as a little wolf, it made him giddy as a schoolgirl in love.

It was at this point that his dreams and thoughts were broken apart, a deep vibration from his soul Rised up . It was the Godly triangle.

< suitable bloodline detected>

< suitable bloodline approaching>

< suitable bloodline touching owners body>

Kade felt something slimey and gooey touch his paw. He looked down with his eyes and saw a chubby red worm with two small bulges next to each other on its back. It looked like 2 more worms we're trying to grow out of its body.

Kade could only think to himself.

< I don't wanna eat a worm>