
Kade stepped out of The Godly triangles bloodline Hall. Everything was diffrent, Kade could smell everything around him sweet or foul. His lightning blue eyes zoomed in on a fully mature falling worm 500 yard away falling from a tree, Kades vision was so clear he could see the muscles in the wing contracting trying to fly.

Kade was feeling excited , he wanted to test out his new-found powers. Almost as if it was responding to his will.

< DING >

< quest tiggered from reward system >

Exactly when the bell dinged a screen flashed infront of his eyes with quest details and the most exciting of all reward info.

< kill the teir one beast of this territory, shade smoke panther. >

< reward>

Triggering the quest remined him of the things he unlocked, including a skill that had been added. Any skill gifted by The Godly triangle was bound to be good. Kade pulled open the main menu, focusing eyes on the bottom part of the triangle a vortex appeared pulling him into martial arts hall.

Kade was smart and crafty wolf, there'd be no way he'd go fight the shade smoke Panther without learning the skill that was gifted. When Kade open his eyes he was standing in the center of the dream Pavilion. A new bookshelf had been added with a single book on its shelfs. The inscription on the bookshelf read "gifted skills of the reward system".

Kade ran over to the bookshelf to read the books title. " 48 twisting transformations"

"small or large it doesn't matter, beast or human it doesn't matter". Kade pulled the book down with his teeth, useing his nose to flip it open and started reading. It was a transformation guide. After reading through it he learned that he can easily become a small Wolf again or even transform into a sheep.With enough practice a human form was possible too. After half a hour he shut the book, kade felt the familer headache he knew if he whent to sleep right now on the dream platform he would be able to practice the 48 twisting transformations. Kade ran over and steped up on the platform and desided to nap. Before he woke up kade was definitely going to learn how to become a sheep. For some reason kade just knew a sheep was the perfect cover for his wolfie self if he had to be incognito.