Undead Deer

Kade strolled in like he was was on a midday walk, his vigilance was maxed out though. Unlike the rough cave floors outside, the inside was paved in square marble with adjacent columns it was surprising how big the area was.

Kade nodded and thought to himself

"good their is enough room for me to fight in here if a battle happens."

Almost as if the world heard his thought about fighting. A frigid moan apeared again, the source of the moan materializing at the end of the hall swathed in a icy mist.

kade activated inspect

< Ice banshee >

WHHHHHAAAAAAA, The banshee let out a peircing moan. In the next second what replaced the moan was clicking as if somthing was running on tile floor with hoofs.

Two undead deer showed up on either side of the banshe, kade inspected them.

< Undead Deer >

< a nearby corps filled with slight energy>

< all stats--- incredibly low>

Kade really wasn't worried about the deer at all, wolfs ate deer for snacks.

Although these deer absolutely looked disgusting, both had their rib cage popping through skin. One deer had half of its head missing and bone poking out, while the other just had a melted face.

Almost as if all three foes coordinated their attacks, the banshee shot out a ice lance from her hand and the deer started their charge.

" hold on" Kade said to the green eye child. lightning discharged around Kade with the activation of lightning response. Kade shifted to the left and dodged the ice lance and arrived right in front of a undead deer. Kade swung his dragon like claws upward, raking from the undead deers chest up its neck and head. The deer wound was ghastly and oozed black blood as it fell dead.

A voice appeared in kades head " you handle the banshee, I got the other deer." It was the green eyed child, as soon as she spoke he felt her weight leave his back.

Kade decided to trust her and rushed to the banshee. The banshee looked like it was about to wail again, Kade shot out a fire ball from his mouth and the banshee doged it.

Kade desided to look back and check on the child for a moment. He gigled and refocused on the banshee desiding to make his next attack. what made Kade laugh a bit was the green eyed child, she was smiling triumphantly with her arms crossed. The deer was in a miserable state it kept ramming its head over and over again on a column . It wouldn't be long until the deer died.