Groaning Rei sat upright. Her head was throbbing, like someone was beating the inside of her head with a hammer again and again. She shook her head side to side, deeply regretting that choice. Swaying she felt around her and toughed a soft pillow, her fingers sinking into it. The black spots on her eyes subsided and she looked around the room carefully. A big and luxurious room filled with extravagant furniture and a huge window overlooking the city.
"W-where am I?" She shifted her legs over the bed and found that someone had changed her clothes. Shocked she looked in and out of her white dress, flustered what someone had actually changed a grown woman, even more so in her case. She walked to a mirror poking out from the side of her view. Up close she saw that the dress didn't look to bad on her. The white complimenting her black hair and grey eyes while the open shoulders revealed her collarbones. The sleeves just a little too long. The end of the dress ended just above her knee showing off her long legs. She might've looked nice except for her bloodshot eyes and ragged hair. Rei continued to examine herself from different angles when a big pair of doors opened on the opposite of the room. Walking in was Mr. Warashi and four women who were dressed as maids.
"Change her and get her ready to meet Mr. Kwon." Mr. Warashi signaled for the four women to move forward and he turned around sharply and left the room, the door closing shut behind him.
"U-uhh. I think there's been a misunderstanding?" Backing away from the four women Rei couldn't help but feel an awkward pressure from the four women. Yes, she was capable of defending herself from them and probably escaping from the room but she couldn't find it in her to do so. It might've been side effects of the tranquilizer but Rei obeyed the four women's orders. The four maids cornered Rei, her back against the wall. One maid who looked American mixed had long blonde hair in a braid behind her, reaching her waist, with auburn eyes peeking out from her bangs. Another maid who looked Chinese had short black hair in a bob cut which reached her shoulders, dark brown eyes staring at Rei. The other maid who looked Korean had blond highlights in her black hair, with black button eyes which investigated Rei's height and body. The last maid was different from the rest. She stood out like an elegant tree among the other girls. Her height was just a bit taller than Rei's but compared to the other maids she was heads taller. Her ebony skin contrasted with her black uniform, her black eyes a mesmerizing abyss. Her long dreadlocks glistened with silver clips.
"Raise your arms." Rei's arms shot upward, stiff and still like a tree. The maid with dreadlocks wrapped her arms around Rei's waist easily, pulling at the string at the back. Feeling the movement of fabric Rei panicked and let her arms fall to hold onto the falling dress. Where the maid had loosened the dress had opened began sliding down her body.
"U-um, there's no need. I'll just do it myself, ok? Just show me where the bathroom is and I'll…" Rei's voice got softer and softer looking at the maid with dreadlocks, who knew that one or two inches made a big difference in how others saw someone.
"Ladies, if you please." The other three quickly grabbed onto Rei, her attempts futile as she somehow lost her strength. One on each arm while the last was holding onto Rei's waist to stop her from moving too much. Pulling off Rei's dress the maid with dreadlocks began to undress rei. "Good, now hurry. We can't keep the young master waiting for too long." With a snap of her fingers the two maids holding onto Rei's arms dragged her into a door she hadn't noticed before.
In the room was a huge bathtub, big enough to be called a shallow pool. A sweet flowery aroma rushed into Rei's nose. Flower petals covered the surface of the water while new warm water poured in from four vase statues in each corner. Steam caused the room to look slightly hazy. Seemingly forgetting her situation Rei pulled free from the maids and went into the bath. Soaking in a large bath like this one had always been her dream. She slipped further down into the water, letting it cover her whole body and head. It was bliss. Four hands grabbed her by the arms, pulling her up from the warm water.
"Time to get to work." The blond braid maid had a sinister grin on her face.
"Huh? Wa-" Her screams of agony and pain echoed in the bath.
Rei suffered painful treatment after. The maids had been ruthless. Scrubbing her body so hard that it she looked like a red beet all over. All her dead skin scrubbed off. Then she was allowed to soak in the bath again to let her body 'heal' as the maids called it but it made her whole body burn, like she was lit on fire. After exiting the bath she then got a relaxing massage with scented oils. It felt so good that she had actually fallen asleep during it. After getting an abrupt awakening she was rushed into a gigantic closet. Two maids argued over which dress was best while the other two fussed with her hair, trying to straighten and comb it. After much unneeded words the two maids deciding the dress finally picked a short black and grey dress with black on top fading to grey tips at the bottom. It was sleeveless and reveled her collarbones. It was slightly loose but the maids didn't mind much. Her heels were chosen as six-inch black pumps with a rounded tip and white on the bottom. When Rei tried them on she nearly fell over, almost spraining her ankle. Shaking their heads in disappointment the maids sighed and went back to get a second pair of shoes. The design was like the previous ones except instead of six inch it was three inches and a strap at the top. Satisfied with her outfit the maids all shared looks of approval. Next was her makeup.
Forced into a chair she obeyed and listened to all their orders. Whether it was, 'close your eyes', 'look up', 'tilt your head that way' or 'sit still' Rei didn't utter a word of protest. Why? Well, when people are using a stick with bristles on it and have it covered in chemical powder or irremovable black liquid next to your eye, it's hard not to think what would happen if she moved or messed up. Finally finished all four maids backed away from Rei, each complimenting the other on what they had done and giving each other high fives. Next the maid with the black bob cut appeared behind Rei, a hairbrush in one hand and hairspray in another. Her eyes flashed, and she instantly got to work. Combing and brushing at the same time, it felt like more than one person was working on Rei's hair but she could clearly see that the other three had sat down and were on their phones, laughing to themselves. The bob cut haired maid began to style her hair. Cutting her hair to make bangs Rei cried out silently, she had worked hard to grow her hair as hers came back incredibly slowly. Pulling the rest of the hair away from the bangs the bob cut maid pulled hair from Rei's side and braided it in the back. Curling the rest of her hair slightly, she finished by spraying Rei with hair spray. Removing the cape around Rei the bob cut maid looked at rei and nodded her head. The others came and also nodded their heads in approval.
"Finally, she looks a bit presentable now." The blond braid maid sighed and patted the bob cut maid's shoulder. "Well done in creating a miracle."
"Thanks." The bob cut maid puffed out her chest and huffed proudly.
"Now, we must hurry. Time for the accessories." The dreadlock maid rummaged through a dresser before holding out a pair of huge hoops and a golden necklace with a gold clutch.
"Wait! One more thing!" The blond highlight haired maid rummaged through another drawer and fished out a black silk shawl. The other maids 'oohed and awed' quickly agreeing with the decision. Putting everything in place all four maids stood back and looked at Rei, satisfied.
"Umm… Not that I'm dissatisfied with the makeover but what's going on?" Rei didn't get an answer for her question as the maid with dreadlocks looked at her watch and gasped.
"It's almost time! Quick!" Without much warning Rei was dragged off again, this time out the doors the maids had come from. She turned around a couple of corners and was finally left alone in front of another huge pair of doors. Nervous Rei stood there dumbfounded. She began to think about just leaving right then and there, eventually deciding to. As she turned around to leave she had just taken one step when a deep muffled voice called out to her.
"Rei, come in." Startled Rei flinched and turned around slowly, a sense on uneasiness filling her stomach.
"U-uh, I'd rather not!" She yelled back at the mysterious voice. She couldn't tell what was going on inside, but she heard a strange noise inside, like muffled coughing while laughing.
"Just do as I say and come over here." The voice sounded more demanding than the first time.
"Don't wanna. This ominous feeling I'm getting is obviously a flag." Rei turned away from the door and began walking away when loud stomping noises echoed from the closed doors. "Whoops, better run now." Giving up on a stealthy retreat Rei began running down the hall, her heels clacking against the floor. "These things are so damn loud!" In a fit of frustration she undid the heels and left them on the floor along with her clutch, hoops, and necklace. Wrapping the shawl over her exposed shoulders she continued to run barefoot.
"Guards!" The same voice from behind the door chased after her, his footsteps getting louder and louder. Sensing him getting closer Rei took off once again, getting lost in the maze of halls and rooms. Eventually when she thought that she had lost her pursuers she stopped to catch her breath. A smile on her face. Who were they to think they could just capture her and order her around for no reason? Well, except the maids, they were a different kind of scary. Rei shuddered at the thought of the intense scrubbing she went through.
"Eegh!" Rei was startled by the sudden voice. Looking at her right there was a small boy crouched behind the display she was leaning on. His soft voice matched his looks. Wide purple puppy eyes, dark fluffy hair and a stuffed animal toy tightly clutch in his arms.
"Who're you miss?" He looked up at her and it maximized his cuteness by one hundred percent.
"Just someone who was kidnapped. How about you?" Rei's soft smile did not match well with her explanation. Reaching down to pat the little boy on his head he flinched slightly but didn't reject her hand. In fact he even pushed up against her hand slightly, wanting her to keep petting him. Seeing this Rei couldn't hold in her excitement.
"You're so adorable!" Moving without thinking she hugged the little boy, bringing him into her embrace. He wasn't expecting to be hugged so the little boy stiffened for a while. Noticing how stiff he was Rei loosened her hug and the little boy broke into tears. Flustered about his crying Rei released the little boy and tried to calm him down. Wiping his tears and snot with her shawl.
"Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" Rei didn't understand what she had done to make the little boy cry.
*sniffle* "N-no, it's not that. It-it's just… Been so long since someone's held me. It was very warm… like… like what I imagined a mother's embrace to be…" Hearing this Rei had tears on her face too. An unknown pain throbbed in her chest, resonating with what the little boy had said.
"Oh, I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…" Rei hugged the little boy gently, caressing his cheek and wiping away his tears. He stifled his cries and tears, sucking his snot back into his nose. Rei picked up the little boy and moved him to her lap, gently rocking him and humming. Tapping his back along to the rhythm of her humming. The little boy's eyes began to feel heavy. He tried his best to stay awake but Rei was trying her best to put him to sleep. Eventually sleep won over and the little boy fell asleep. Waiting until he had fallen into a deep sleep Rei then shifted him from her arms to the ground, giving him his stuffed animal to hold and placing her shawl on him as a blanket.
"I'm sorry I can't stay with you longer but, I have to leave. Hopefully you'll find the love you're seeking." She leaned in and kissed his forehead before standing up again. Looking both ways she decided to go left and just as she rounded the corner she bumped into the chest of a guy. Out of reflex she grabbed his hand and tried to pin him against the wall but it didn't go as planned. He slipped from her grasp and went after her arm instead. Twisting her arm around the guy's she avoided his grab and with his force she flipped him onto his back. Without as much as a pause Rei dashed off, away from the man and the little boy. A few seconds later the man got to his feet, dusting off his knees and shirt.
"She's quite a handful." Sighing to himself the man clicked the communicator on his ear. "Alpha and Beta squads, she has not been in areas B and C but actually making her way to D. Lock down all exit routs in D. And watch out, she's quite skilled." After ending the call, the man rubbed his shoulder.
"Quite skilled indeed." A smirk on his face.
Racing past numerous doors Rei was lost again. Nothing seemed familiar and yet it didn't seem different either. After turning a corner she saw a metal grate being lowered from the ceiling. Without think she sprinted towards the metal gate and just barely managed to slide under, some hair got trapped under the gate. Without flinching she pulled the few strands out and left them under the gate. Looking at the new area she noticed a sign hanging from the top of the corner. It had a huge A on it while on the other side of the metal gate where she had came from there was a similar sign that had a huge D in it. Wondering what they were for Rei lifted her leg and winced from pain. Looking down she saw that she had gotten a rug burn due to sliding on the carpet.
"Shit." While she leaned against the wall she hobbled away. Limping slightly. She heard more pursuers from behind her, their distant voices still managing to reach her ears. Filled with more determination Rei continued to suffer pain each time she took a step, eventually she got used to the pain and it subsided. Stopping to rest Rei looked at her surroundings. The walls were covered in expensive looking paintings, the doors of each room looking expensive with their golden handles. Her hand trailed on the wall behind her, feeling the bumps and smoothness of the doors and walls. Her hand unexpectedly stopped on a glass handle. Rei looked at the door and found that besides the glass handle the whole door was different. Unlike all the other dark brown door this one was white and had gold lining in it. As she was investigating it she heard loud footsteps behind her. Without thinking she opened the door and rushed inside, making sure to carefully close the door behind her. Leaning against the inside of the door she held her breath as people rushed by, unaware that she had been there. Soon the crowd outside the door increased, more voices added to the commotion including those of the maids from before.
"Geez, where could she have gone?" It sounded like the blond braid maid.
"Who knows, not our problem." Rei could almost imagine the bob cut maid shaking her head as she said that.
"We need to find her though. Or else the young master would take his anger out on us. Boohoo." The blond highlight maid's voice didn't sound very convincing.
"Shush. I think I hear something." The dreadlock maid slid her hand against the door, landing on the doorknob. The other voices outside quieted down. Waiting to see what would happen. Rei held her breath, slowly backing away from the door. The doorknob clicked, and the door swung open. There was nothing in the room. "Must've been my imagination."
"Calm down. This always happens when you get worked up." The bob cut maid patted the dreadlock maid's shoulder and shook her head. "Let's go."
"Mmh." The dreadlock maid nodded and turned away. The rest of them scattering into the different corridors. Before closing the door fully the dreadlock maid looked into the empty dark room one last time and closed it shut.
Rei, who had been grabbed by someone, silently sighed in relief. She tried to move the man's hand from her mouth but he was strong. Making enough room to open her mouth she bit down hard on his hand. He quickly pulled back his hand from her mouth, cradling one in the other. Before he could do anymore Rei had already moved behind him and she kicked at the back of his knees. As his knees faltered Rei grabbed his hands and pulled them behind his back making sure to keep a firm hold them, pushing his face into the carpet.
"Now, tell me. Where am I, who are you guys, and where is Jin? Otherwise I'll break your arm and, trust me, it won't be painless." Rei's voice was cold. Not a hint of her office worker cover in it.