chapter 4- String of Fate

After that the second round between the two evolved form official begins.

Alex had Haunter now use poison powered attacks which were the only moves capable of hitting Gengar. Although not effective it was still hurt this slightly.

The main attacker in the bout was Alex's aura sphere. The audicity of this battle compared to the other two battle was that Gengar wasn't getting serious in the battle.

He seemed to play along with them and Alex even felt he was joking around with them. The smiling Expression on his face was similar to the two young ghosts, duskull and misdreavus when they played pranks or we're up to some mischief.

The poison attacks though didn't give him a poison status yet it provided them ample movement place for Haunter to dodge the attacks of Gengar like shadow ball and dark pulse.

Soon the Gengar stopped holding back and sent flurry of shadow balls at Haunter and then sneaked up at him and gave a mean thunder attack as soon as he was hot by thunderbolt from the sky.

Gengar withstood the attack from the sky while Haunter was wobbling around injured.

Seeing that he was losing, Alex immediately used a trump card to take down the now careless gengar who smirked at him," Destiny Bond"

Soon a spirit chain bounded the two and as soon as haunter fell down on the ground Gengar too followed.

And this battle ended with the both Gengar and Haunter losing at the same time.

Alex has survived the anger if the angry parents or to say two angry parents with a mischievous and careless one. He had caught these three ghosts with great ball for better catching chance. His pokemons were injured and weren't in the place to face an angry parent.

He knew he was a few hours walk from the nearby village according to the map in the Jewel. He also returned the pokemons who faced the parents while called back his pokemons who hid behind a big rock while looking after the two sleeping ghost.

Alex has made the two sleeping so that their presence or voice don't anger the ghost more. After that he packed up all his things and headed for the nearest village for healing his Pokemon as well as getting some fighting worthy ones.

His Happiny did some primary healing of the Pokemons but since she is still an unexperienced healer she can only do little.

The village nearest to him was called the sprout village because of the many Oddish found here who hide in forest as sprout while many Bellsprout were found here. Because of this the village is very fertile ground nearby with a fresh stream for water.

Alex ran continuously for an hour in which he covered fifteen kilometres which might be great and even unbelievable for a eleven year old but with his aura his physical attributes we're greatly enhanced.

He has reached the village by four in the evening and head for the pokemon center after asking direction from the villagers. As he reached the village he decided to deal with the parents next morning.

Alex then returned the injured pokemons, under the eyes of some people nearby, and said," Nurse joy my Pokemon are gravelly injured. Can you check and tell me how long till they can be battle worthy."

Nurse joy smiled softly and said," wait a minute I will tell you as soon as I can do some primary checkup. You can wait in the lobby. "

Alex went for the pokemon booth unknowingly that some people with unknown yet harmful intention looked at him. They followed until they saw Alex enter the phone booth cabin ( phone surrounded by all side to prevent eavesdropping).

He entered the booth cabin and dialed home. After a few rings an image of his tired out father's image appeared.

" Dad is everything alright there?" Alex asked seeing his tired visage.

" Nothing much happened here. Just with your mom being pregnant, I am doing all the work along with my work at power station.

So I am just a little tired. Anyway let's not talk about it. When are you returning home, your mother is worried sick. " Arthur asked.

" Umm… dad the thing is …. It is…" he tried to form a sentence and his eyes were evading his father's.

Seeing Alex stuttering and evading eyes, Arthur just smiled softly. Alex always acted as a miniature adult and moments like these when he acted like a kid similar to his age were precious for him and his wife.

" So you aren't returning back now is it?" Arthur asked

Alex just nodded but a angry female voice rang," What ? How could you do that? I thought you would be there with me while I was pregnant. I knew you hate me that's why you aren't here?" Came the voice of his mother, Gwen while she started sobbing.

" Mom the thing is.."

" Dear let him explain." Arthur tried to calm her down.

" What explain? I am sure he would just create a fake reason to calm me and fool me like a slowpoke."

" Mom I love you. Hell I love you more than father. You know it is right." He said trying to calm her nerves and it did work as both knew Alex was more attached to her than his father.

"Fine you better explain it quickly or nothing in the whole world could save you from my wrath. " She said with eyes full of anger

" Mom I thought I could get all my gym badges by the time you are nine months pregnant and then I wouldn't leave you until absolutely necessary until the pokemon league tournament." Alex said with a look of promise.

His parents knew he was telling the truth with how he spoke but they didn't mention that he would keep using Agatha and Samuel to leave for occasional trips which he won't say or he will once again attract his mother wrath on her.

Alex saying this helped calm his mother while his father smiled knowingly that Alex once again managed to bypass her anger.

Alex seeing her calmed down breathe out a sigh of relief and involuntarily thought,' I will never be like dad following mother in a wimp. And I don't want to be with any girl anytime soon.'

He even thought of himself and his imaginary girlfriend or wife nagging and ordering himself all around.

while Alex was fantasizing a cute blonde girl sneezed regularly in front of her grandma and her sister.

" Are you alright Cynthia. You are sneezing fir sone time. Maybe you are ill we better check up your health." Said cynthia baby sister.

" I think I will take this offer. " Cynthia agreed on checking her health with nurse joy.

And then her grandma jokingly added," I don't think she is sick or something. Probably a young boy is thinking about her. Maybe she even have a mysterious boyfriend bwe don't know about."

Cynthia turned beet red on hearing her grandma say something like this," Grandma don't joke like this. I won't like anyone. And anyone to be my boyfriend he must beat me in a battle." She said confidently.' No way am I going to be with someone weaker than me.' and she left her family behind leaving the house.

This time Alex sneezed.

" Grandma I don't think Cynthia will ever date with how strong she really is she can demolish everyone. And the only ones not her opponent are way much older than her or even married. " Her young sister said about her sister's life.

Caroline just patted the head of her younger granddaughter and said," you don't know how magical love is. Even if they haven't met their string of fate is already attached to each other.

When she meet him nothing in the world would make her feel satisfied except his company. No one and I mean noone is immune of of this magical disease. "

And she also thought,' You don't know there is another rival who emerged and may be her greatest opponent. I really look forward to how their first meeting will go.'

Alex and Cynthia has unknowingly get attached to each other with a string of fate. How will it go stay tuned

To be continued