chapter 7 : Escape

When Alex mentioned the name Mew, the elderly trio of the Bart Family, shouted out loud in unison,"WHAT"

Had it not been for the barrier that his water and psychic type pseudo king level Pokemon Slowking erected to prevent any disclosure of secret, their shocked shout would have been heard in the Floral town too, which is only a couple kilometers away from their current location.

Alex is surprised at his family's reaction as well as the fact that his father fell on the ground. He never thought they will react so enthusiastically over this small news.

And before he could help his father stand up to his feet, his grandfather reached out to him and grabbed his shoulder. He started to shake him .

" What do you mean by that Alex? Have you really seen Mew? Are we even talking about the same Mew?" Michael asked what shaking his grandson back and forth in excitement.

He didn't know what to make of their over enthusiastic behaviour until he remembers that Mew is just a cheerful, friendly and powerful Pokemon but she is also a legendary Pokemon which many spend their entire life searching around for and can not see even a glimpse of her before their death.

Many people consider a family member especially a trainer who see a Legendary Pokemon as a matter of great honor and pride. They often brag about it throughout their life to their friends and neighbors.

But it isn't that big deal for Alex. He knows the dwelling place of some Legendary Pokemons and have already encountered two of them in his first year of adventure.

He is sure of the fact that he will encounter at least one more in the form of celebi in his life even if he doesn't actively strive to search for them.

Alex got a grip of himself and broke himself free from his Grandpa's hold and said," Calm down, grandpa. Since you know how incredible it is to meet mew then you should know just how dangerous it will be for us if we broadcast this matter to others."

Gwen by his side is confused by this. Same is the case with the other two elders of the family. But Gwen beat them in asking," Why do you want to hide it? It doesn't matter if people know or not, many people out there have seen Legendary Pokemons. What is the thing that makes you hide about your encounter with her.

It isn't like you meet her often and she even visits you every now and then, is it? " She asked the last thing absentmindedly.

Her surprise question has changed Alex facial expression for a brief moment which is seen by Arthur and Michael.

Arthur hurriedly rose and stood up. He held his son's shoulders firmly and asked," Alex do you meet her often? Does she still visit you?"

Alex was thinking about how much he should say but decided since this can help him delay the inevitable news of the Pokemon tide, he might as well use this information to drag the matter to the next day.

" Uuhhh.... Dad, the thing is that not only I but you all have met her . When she arrives here, she has met everyone including the twins." He revealed the hidden secret.

" What do you mean even we have met her?" He asked puzzled not sure what he implies by these words.

" Mew is a wanderer. Unlike most legendary who doesn't seem to interact with the life of ordinary people and pokemons, she likes to wander around and see the world around. She can be considered as one of those Legendary pokemons who is often in touch with the world.

But her appearance might cause some problems for not only her but also for the people whom she appears in front of. So she doesn't appear in front of people in her true form.

She is similar to ditto. She can transform into any Pokemon she wishes to be without any hint of transformation evident on her. She sometimes come to the farm in disguise to play with her friends. " He explained it and told them how they may have met her.

" Friends what do you mean by that Alex? Who are her friends?" His still confused mother asked.

Alex took a deep breathe and narrated the story about how he met a wild Eevee in the forest and she later turned out to be mew. What role she played in the Ralts birth, in Claydol as well as a guide for Slowking and Espeon in their Psychic powers.

How she often comes around to see if time with Eevee, Ralts and other kid pokemons on the team along with Ben and Clara.

" So one of the wild pokemons who often arrive to play in the farm, is actually mew in disguise. " Michael said baffled at the discovery.

Alex just nodded his head and sat on his chair quietly. He let them absorb the revelation he brought out to them.

Everyone was surprised and overwhelmed by the piece of information that alex revealed to them. And they also understood why his encounter with Mew must be hidden.

Mew often visited their new house and if someone knows Alex met mew then some of her pursuers would most definitely put their surveillance on the house.

They don't know how long but the fact that they will be tracked and followed isn't good. Especially when they could threaten the family by some unsavory means like kidnapping the twins and things similar to that.

Mew is called the mother of all pokemons. It is believed that she is the common link to every Pokemon species known to mankind.

Hence her very existence is often regarded on par with Arceus the creator of the world. Arceus very existence is often considered to be a hox and he hadn't revealed himself for centuries.

But Mew, she is a different case all together. She has made her appearance every few years in different parts of the world so the people who search and try to catch her are much more compared to other Legendary pokemons. In their greed, they often forget a very essential truth, she is exceptionally strong .

Alex doesn't worry about mew safety. It is his family's safety that worries him. If he become as strong as an elite four then he won't have to worry about their protection. At least in the area of about fifty kilometers, no one would dare to touch his family or they may face the threat of complete annihilation.

After all if he cannot keep notice of things happening around in this much area radius then he is not worthy of the strength he obtained by that time.

" So have you encountered another Legendary out there?" His grandpa asked joking since the atmosphere became heavy and felt it might be good to change the current topic.

" Ahhh.... I may have met another Legendary too. I met Suicune, a Legendary pokemon of the johto region." He just answered

This made them stunned solid and Michael tests his head on his palm now. Michael mumbles rhetorically," You don't do thinks half, do you Alex?"

Alex just smiles meekly and looked at his family and knew this might be the best time for him to escape the questioning of his family.

" I think we should talk later. You all have much to think about this. I am too tired. I will be heading back to rest. " Alex said along with a big yawn, he ran away to his room.

His action made them arise from their stupor and Gwen just smiled softly.

" He used this as a distraction to escape, didn't he. Just like you distracted him with the trap, he used Legendary pokemons as the bait.

You both really are good at leading other people to do your bidding." She looked at her father in law.

Michael just shook his head and said," I trained my grandson to face the world and it seemed he is capable enough. I am assureed that he will be fine in the future.

But, We still have to talk with Alex. He won't have a second chance to escape from us." He had a hint of steel in his eyes.

Alex escaped the questioning of his family today. How will he deal with them tomorrow. Stay tuned.

To be continued...