Chapter 13 Changes in Pokemon centre

Next morning, Alex and his two proteges left the residential rooms from the third floor and head to the first floor for their breakfast.

They took their seat in one of the many empty seats. They were here at six o clock so the place is vacant except for a few people wasn't too surprising.

They gave their order and awaited their breakfast.

Alex looked at the two rookie trainers and asked," Did you have a nice sleep?"

Daisy answered without a hint of hesitation," The best. I didn't know that a bed could be so good. I am really going to miss it. "

" Don't worry. We will stay here for a few days. You both have to be prepared for the first mission too. I will not accompany you in this. It is your solid task. " He said.

The duo simply agreed and then had their breakfast. After that, they walked towards the mission center.

They arrived at the mission counter and watched that even in the early morning it was filled with people.

Jim asked the more knowledgeable person among them, " Alex, is this place always this crowded?"

Alex himself was surprised because the last time he visited the mission center, it was several months ago. So he himself was confused about this sudden rush going on here.

When Alex was in a daze, a familiar voice came from the side," Alex, Daisy, Jim, good morning."

Alex turned around to see that it was the nurse Joy he met and talked with yesterday.

" Good morning, Nurse Joy." The trio greeted her back.

" So what are you doing so early at the mission center. Are you here to pick a task for them, Alex?" She asked looking at Alex.

" Yeah. I thought of showing the brats where they can earn some change for their living other than their victory in a Pokemon battle or the winnings from some tournament. " Alex explained and looked around the crowded place and continued," But things have changed since I last visit this part of the Pokemon center."

" Changed? What has changed, Alex?" Daisy asked her young teacher and guide.

" My mom was pregnant so I had to stay at home for almost six or so months and I haven't visited this part for almost a year.

I always get my tasks through the phone or met with the client himself so I don't have to visit it normally.

But I didn't think that things would be so changed after my last visit. If a small town's mission center can be so busy then I shudder to think about how busy the one in a big city will be." Alex said.

" You really are something different, but nothing less could be expected from you. And for the reason why it is happening, you Remember the declaration of the league about elite four qualifications." She stopped to see if they caught onto what she was on.

Alex's eyes flashed with understanding and he said," So all of this is due to that. I did read it once, but because of my family issues, I kinda didn't go through it. I just skimmed through the page." Alex said sheepishly while rubbing his head in the back in embarrassment.

Both Daisy and Jim were surprised about Alex behavior, meanwhile, Nurse Joy just shook her head. She thought there may be two reasons for the normally mature Alex to act like that. One was that someone was spying or targeting them and he didn't want to alert the soy, or Alex had his childish moment too every now and then regardless of his adult-like behavior.

Nurse Joy didn't try to think what reason it might be and began to explain them," a Few months ago, the pokemon league issued a declaration regarding the elite four qualifications.

Due to a large number of skilled trainers, the league decided to cut off the number by setting up a special test. For this test, a certain amount of contribution is needed, so trainers now rush back to complete the task and earn the contribution points."

" Contribution points?" Jim asked curiously.

This time it was Alex who answered the question, " Every task is rated in the form of stars. For every task completion, some contribution points are awarded based on the difficulty of tasks.

1-star task: 1- 5 points

2-star task: 10-20 points

3-star task: 20- 50 points

4-star task: 50-100 points

These points can be redeemed for certain things in the league collection. You can redeem Pokemon moves, evolutionary stones, and even Pokemons as rare as an Eevee through these contribution points. One contribution point can redeem 1000 dollars."

The duo was excited about it and wanted to earn themselves contribution points but Alex topped them midway by saying, "But, You lot can only do the 1-star task now."

" So what test do they need to pass? " Daisy asked

" They need to participate and lead a brigade in a Pokemon Tide and win with less than 50 percent casualty." nurse joy stated.

Alex on hearing it thought of a certain pair of old trainers whom he knew all too well,' They are using my past experience as a way to cut down the number for the contest.'

" What is a Pokemon Tide?" Jim asked.

Daisy looked at her fellow companion disdainful and said," what an idiot. You don't even know what a Pokemon tide is. Since you don't know let me guide you in this.

Pokemon Tide is a large group of Pokemon attacking a human settlement. There are hundreds of Pokemon tide occurring every year in Kanto itself. And in them at least a hundred city is eradicated as an aftermath of the tide. " she said with a serious expression.

" So are the tide do strong?" Jim asked shocked what they can do.

Alex placed his hand on Jim and Daisy shoulder and consoled them," You kids don't need to worry about them. Only trainers who are intermediate level it above are allowed to participate in the defense line. You are still too far from those things "

Jim turned to Alex, smiled and then asked" Alex, Ben said you too participated in a Tide. How was it?"

Alex smiling face turned neutral and he stood quietly in hearing it. Then he said," You will know when you encounter such situations. It is something you should experience yourself. Every person had different opinions and views regarding this.

If you want to become strong and know what true strength really is, then you must try to pass this predicament or else you can never surpass me, Jim. " He said while looking at his cousin.

Alex unconsciously let out some pressure and the noise in the room had subconsciously muted out.

Nurse Joy at the side thought,' He is strong. This is why they sent him for this task."

Although Alex revealed only a hint of his powers, it was strong enough for Jim and Daisy to feel that their legs cannot accommodate their body's weight.

But, they managed to stay strong and said," Yes. I will do it." And after that, the pressure disappeared as if it wasn't even there.

" What was that ?" Daisy asked while trying to catch her breath from her previous experience.

" That is something every trainer with a little strength possesses. It is what helps me control my Pokemon when they tend to be a little unruly.

It is something every trainer possess but the strength of it varies. You must know that your father is much more powerful than you. Had it been him, you would have fainted here. " he explained her.

" Are you alright now?" Alex asked after they almost recovered from their past experience.

They nodded in reply still lacking in strength to talk to the recently monikered 'monster teacher ' by the duo.

" Good then. You can go over there a get your task." Alex said with a smile. He didn't even bother with the fact that the gaze of every occupant of the room was settled on his body.

The two headed forward to get their first mission while Alex gaze was set in them as they walked there. They reached the counter without any obstruction as people parted to give way to the two.

No one obstructed them and the two got their first mission.

Daisy had the task of transporting some parcel to the outskirts of the town while Jim had to do some labor around that area.

After watching their respective task, Alex said," as I had said before, you had to do the task yourself. I won't interfere. Whatever happens, depends on your own effort. " And he let the two go after giving them their respective directions.

While this all happened a couple of eyes had followed the two kids to their destination.