Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 1

"Ally King, you have three seconds to open this door!"

Ally threw her head into her pillow and groaned. Why was her father so intrusive? Couldn't he just let her be for once?

"Ally, I will break it down!" Bellowed a low voice from behind the door. The sharpness in his voice startled something within her. Her father was not playing around.

"Ugh Fine!" Ally groaned in response as she slowly dragged herself to her door.

Her hands pulled the handle and she was almost knocked off her feet as her father barged into the room.

"What do you want father?" Ally sneered in response.

Her eyes scanned her fathers strong frame as he turned coldly away from her. His eyes searched the room identifying each bottle of bear and empty packets of cigarettes. He was looking for anything to start a fight.

"How many times do I have to tell you. You follow my rules." His undertone was frightening.

However, Ally had learned that her fathers words meant nothing to her anymore.

Jackson King, the alpha of her pack and unfortunately her father. Jackson King's matte black hair was striped with grey strands. His eyes were a dark , stale brown that never glimmered no matter what emotions coerced his mind. The Alpha's stomach had grown considerately over the past few years but the added weight only made him a stronger force. His presence wasn't needed for a room to fall silent, his footsteps would be enough for a whole room to submit to him. Ally did not fear nor submit to her father. She found it much more gratifying to challenge him.

"Your rules are unreasonable. How do you expect a person to live their life under such complex conditions."

Ally pronounced each word. Her lips curled up in a smile the minute her fathers fists clenched.

Her father spun round quickly with rage in his eyes and sneered at the little frame before him.

"You have no right to question my decisions." He roared expecting his daughter to bow her head but her response was expected.

Lifting her head and staring her father directly in the eyes she smiled. This caused his rage to almost explode. Ally was already prepared for her punishment.

"Father, did you come here just to scold me? If so could you perhaps wait until I've finished my nap." Ally said sarcastically.

Their was method in her madness after all.

Her father stood dumbfounded as he scanned her daughters eyes looking for an ounce of fear. Nothing... there was nothing. Ally's eyes were nothing but distant.

Too stunned to respond with words he swiftly raised his hand and slapped her viciously. Her face throbbed immensely but she still refused to show pain. Wiping the blood from her lip on her thumb she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at him emotionless.

"Is that all you wanted father?" Ally expressed neutrally.

Her father looked his daughter straight in the eye and seemed conflicted about his next words.

It infuriated him that she was not afraid of him. He had power over every last little thing in this pack. Power over everything, but her.

Ally awaited another slap but instead glaring into her fathers eyes was intrigued to see him conflicted. With a sharp breathe he eased slightly and began is next words carefully.

"You understand how unique you and your brother are. Which is why I will never understand your defiance Ally." His words were sharp but hinted an underlying sadness. Ally's expression never changed. Before finishing his next words he looked at his daughter seeing the boredom in her face. He understood that she had heard these words too often and the meaning of them was now numb to her.

After tutting he stormed out of the bedroom, his thundering footsteps were surrounded by silence.

Ally stood at her door surprised her teeth her still intact. After rolling her eyes she slammed her bedroom door and flopped back onto her bed. Swiftly drifting back to slumber.


The kitchen was packed with young teenagers around 18 years of age. The females gossips while the men leered at them. Glints of lust in their eyes. Various tables scattered the floors and the smell of toast and coffee filled the room. One woman, aged considerable more than the rest served the breakfasts to the young teens whom nodded in gratitude. The older female scanned the room and let out a concerned sigh.

"Your looking for Ally aren't you?" said a young female. She was only 5"4 in height and her short ginger hair curled around her face. Although, her features weren't very striking she held a natural hidden beauty.

The older woman lowered her eyes in agreement. The young girls face suddenly lost it's light. She felt somewhat sympathetic towards the woman and could see the pain in her eyes.

"My lady, would you like me to see if I could entice her down?" the girl asked naively.

The older woman looked on in pity but admired the girls good intentions.

"Carrie, if you value your beauty then I would advise against that." the woman warned with caution.

"I appreciate the gesture though."

"It's no problem my lady." the girl nodded as she rejoined her friends.

As the woman turned around to tend to the breakfast she was met with a dominant presence. Almost simultaneously the room fell silent. Heads suddenly bowed and a fear filled the room.

The older woman looked down at the floor contemplating her morning. Had she done something wrong?

"Helen, come with me I have a private matter to discuss with you." with that the Alpha spun on his heels and exited the kitchen quickly followed by the older woman.


Both entered swiftly into the modernized office. The decor was quite plain but was decorated with wealth. The diamond chandelier twinkled in the artificial light and his golden counter pieces were very captivating.

"Sit." The Alpha growled. Within seconds the woman was seated and glared fearful at he floor.

Her mouth was clenched. She knew speaking out of turn would result in punishment.

"Helen, I have something to ask you." His voice was deep but softer than it was before.

"Yes, Alpha?" The woman's voice contained tremor. Her fist clenched her lap and she tried to stop her legs from shaking.

"There is no need to appear so afraid. I am the father of your children am I not?" he questioned her as if awaiting an untold truth.

"Of course Alpha. My apologies." she said faintly.

"Are you aware that our daughter has become astray from her pack and resorted to heinous acts?" he was interrogating her. Her eyes became dry and her heart began eating quickly.

"N-no Alpha I was not aware. What has she done now?"

"Ally, seems to have defied pack rules for the fourth time this month. As punishment I will be restraining her from now on."

His words were cold and dark. Helen looked up in despair immediately.

Restraining wasn't a simple term it;s true meaning was much darker. In the pack, wolves were only restrained if they did something dyer and serious. It consisted of physical restraint and constant supervision of the individual by a pack leader. It also consisted of brutal beatings as a result of disobedience. Helen knew her daughter well and expected this method would sent her over the edge.

"Please! Please Alpha if you have any sympathy left not do this to our child." she pleaded.

The Alpha grinned in response.

"I don't know how a unique vessel such as her was produced by wolves like ourselves but regardless of her ability I will not let that girl defy me anymore."

"My decision is final. I will assign her a supervisor that will not fail me." his words were evil and Helen knew immediately whom this supervisor was.

"If your decision is final then please re-consider the supervisor. It will kill her if you select him." her words were filled with sorrow.

"You have no right to request anything. You may be my wife but I am still your Alpha." he swiftly grabbed her chin forcefully and enticed her to glare into his dark hazel eyes. Her green eyes were faded and began to fill with tears.

"I will break that child if it's the last thing I do."

-----------------------------------Ally's room-------------------------------------------------------------

Ally patted her head with a cold towel and cursed herself in the mirror.

"Ally King, why did you think drinking 50 shots of vodka last night wouldn't have any consequences?"

Sighing she looked herself up and down in the mirror.

Her icy blue eyes scanned her body with disgust. Ally stood at 5"8 which was a considerable height among female wolves. Her jet black hair reached her waist and flowed effortlessly full of life. Her skin was tanned slightly which accentuated her blue eyes. Although, her beauty was truly profound her strength faded consistently. Her ribs appeared through her skin tight white tank top and the hollow of her cheeks gave her a grave look. Ally was malnourished due to a lack of personal care and interest of that matter.

"What happened to you...?"

Her eyes dropped to the floor. Her appearance made her sick. Ally had went from the most perfect model of a woman, a vision of envy among other wolves, to an undernourished young girl. An outcast.

Turning off the sink tap Ally stepped into the shower pressing her head against the white tiles as the water showered down her back. As she tilted her head back a sudden wave of dizziness consumed her causing her to stumble.

Sighing in annoyance she placed both of her hands on the tiles for reliance. Her faith in her body began to wager.

Soon after she left the shower and changed into some casual attire. Ally didn't plan on leaving her room that day so she yet again flopped on her bed staring at the ceiling expressionless. So lost in herself she failed to hear the knocks on her door. Slowly, returning back to the real world she slowly pushed herself up and walked toward the door.

Upon opening it her eyes filled with happiness.

"Blake?" she questioned in disbelief.

A young strong, tall man stood at her door. His jet black hair and icy blue eyes were unmistakable.

Blake was Ally's twin brother. The only person Ally would admire without a look of hate in her eyes.

He stood at 6"2 and towered over his sister but his presence wasn't domineering nor weary. There was only one person Ally would speak too without hesitation and that was her brother.

Blake appeared even more shocked than Ally. He scanned his sister up and down, sadness soon filled his heart and he bowed his eyes in fear of showing it. Ally completely forgot that her brother hadn't seen her in a few weeks. He was attending pack business abroad and his skin had caught quite a nice tan while her was there.

"Ally." his demeanor suddenly changed leaving Ally concerned. He had never said her name so coldly before.

"You will address me as supervisor from now on." Blake admitted unwillingly. Ally immediately stiffened.

"What did you say?" Ally scoffed.

"I will not repeat myself. You have been rendered under restraint until further notice by the high Alpha. You are to follow pack rules and failure to do so will result in severe punishment."

His words were stern but he didn't have the courage to look his sister in the eyes. Ally's eyes filled with immense sadness. She was under restraint? This is not possible! Realizing that the order came from her father her anger began to flare inside her. As if being under restraint wasn't enough, her own twin brother, the person she could never hurt was now her supervisor.

"Why would you agree to such a thing! Why would you do this Blake!"

Her voice was filled with hurt and Blake still refused to look at her. Without warning Ally grabbed her brother face with such strength that it caught him off guard.

"If you have the strength to agree to such a vile act then you should at least have the strength to look me in the eyes." Ally's voice trailed off as she fought back her tears.

Blake's eyes reddened and still fought to look away. Understanding, her brother choice she pushed his face aside and stood silently.

"Rule one of the pack is that you are to eat, fight and converse with members. Failure to do so will result in restraint."

Her brother's words were emotionless as if they were computerized. Ally scowled at this request and immediately began laughing.

"Should we head to the restraint room now then?"

Ally laughed coldly. The emotion suddenly left her eyes leaving Blake startled. His sister would father endure punishment then eat with her own pack?

Concerned he asked again.

"You are to eat, fight and converse with your pack." he repeated simultaneously .

"Do you know nothing of our strengths, not only am I perfectly able to hear but I hear 50x better than the average person."

"I will ask again should we head to the restraint room now?" her voice echoed in her brothers head. Her lighthearted admiration soon turned into a sour glare of emptiness. It hurt his heart to see her look at him this way and he knew once you betrayed Ally she was very unforgiving.

Without a second thought she walks past her brother and make her way to the restraint room.

He followed slowly behind begging her silently to change her mind. But she didn't even glance back to look at him. On her way down the stairs pack members stood in the doorway of the kitchen and was shocked to see her in the flesh. Her eyes didn't direct themselves at them and she swiftly jogged downstairs.

"Wasn't that the Alpha's daughter?" a male stuttered in bewilderment. A while after they saw Blake coming down the stairs looking defeated.

"Blake what's wrong?" another make wolf asked in concern. Dazed, Blake looked up and dismissed their question with a wave of his hand and slowly walked down the stairs. Both make wolves were dumbfounded. They had never seen Blake without a smile on his face so his darkened expression shook their core.


Ally walked casually into the basement and the smell of blood and sweat invaded her nose and caused it to wrinkle in response. Her eyes scanned the chains engraved into the walls and the rack of whips and knives in-front of her. Refusing to show fear she knelt down and exposed her back hiding her breast his her hands. Her thoughts became blank as she pushed all emotions deep inside her mind. Blocking out her brothers footsteps she silently awaited the deafening blows. Blake wandered in and almost collapsed at the sight of his sister looking so vulnerable. The sister he admired and followed for so long was now bare-backed at his feet.

"Ally?" he exclaimed.

She was still silent. Not even her hears pricked up at his words. Shaking he made his way over the the rack and picked up a considerable sized whip and circled his sister.

"Ally I'm sorry." he said quietly.

"Don't be a coward Blake. Father won't forgive you." he words were calm and collected.

She had seen her brothers shaking hand when selecting the whip and her heart suddenly felt of their brother. Regardless of her shock that he would accept his proposal she knew Blake didn't want to do this. Blake shed a tear as he raised the whip and struck his sister extremely hard. Ally clenched her knuckled against the floor and fought herself to keep her voice controlled. Blake hesitated when she didn't make a sound. The after effect made Ally's thoughts go numb. Searing pain consumed her and she dreaded the next hit. Blake raised the whip and struck her mercilessly again. This time Ally grunted at the lashing. Red open wounds spread across her back, he struck her so hard that the skin had split causing the blood to trickle down her back.

"Ally please just do it." Blake pleaded with his sister.

"No." Ally answered bluntly.

"Finish it." Ally fought back her tears as she demanded Blake to finish the job.

"Why Ally? Why would you do this to yourself?" Blake whined.

"Finish it!" she yelled visibly in pain.

The truth was Ally was destroyed in her heart. The only person she still loved would inflict this kind of damage upon her? Her own brother. Not just her brother but her twin. They always shared a profound bond and somehow their father managed to break that. With each strike her love for her brother diminished slowly. In the end Ally's back was shredded from the beating. Breathing heavily Ally tried to stand and her legs buckled beneath her. Blake saw this and caught his sister before she fell to the floor.

"Get the f*ck off me Blake!"

Ally shouted trying to hide her despair. Immediately Blake let go of her.

Ally fell to her knees and struggled again to her feet. Stumbling she walked toward the door, her body weak with exhaustion. As Ally went to leave she stopped in her tracks.

"Out of all the people in this pack you were the last person I would of expected Blake. I'm so disappointing in you." Ally didn't stutter once and her words were like daggers in her brother heart.

"Ally, don't make me do that again." he said sadly.

"I never made you do anything. You chose to be my superior. You chose to pick up that whip. You are my biological brother and I love you but I will never forgive you for this." Ally words were strained and choked.

Before Blake could reply Ally had fled dragging her feet.


Ally arrived at her room and collapsed as she made her way to her bed. Rolling over on the ground her face was met with a blood stained carpet. Seeing her blood simmered a deep concern about her well-being but she dismissed the feeling immediately. Ally was accustomed to pain, it wasn't the physical pain that bothered her. The fact that her own brother had been corrupted by her father pained her to the point of death. Blake, was all she had left and he hurt her so profoundly. Tears immediately welled in her eyes and eventually she broke down in tears on the floor of her room. Sobbing uncontrollably Ally curled up into a ball.


Blake, eyes full of sorrow walked into his mothers room and knelt on the floor. Helen spun around and was stunned to see her son in such a state.


She said rushing over to him. Cradling his head in her arms she felt a wet sensation and quickly grasped him face. Looking into his eyes, which were streaming with tears, her son looked at her with such pain that her heart nearly stopped.

"You agreed didn't you?"

Stroking his head Helen's eyes began to fill up as well.

"I can't believe I did that to her mom."

Still in shock Blake cursed his words. His body shook profusely.

"Blake, she doesn't understand."

Making excuses for Blake's actions angered him. His heart rate went sky high and he pushed his mother away.

"Ally is in the dark. Not just from father but herself. Have you seen her?" Blake said disgusted at her,

Helen's eyes quickly shot to the floor as if it was a natural response to raised voices.

"I've seen her."

"I'd be surprised if Ally weighed 50 kg at the most! The light she always had isn't there anymore Mom. I didn't even recognize her when I saw her!"

Blake shouted as the tears fell from his jaw.

Helen couldn't look at him. His words were true. Ally was like a lost memory. Her sharp tongue and quick wit was still there but that light everyone sought after was gone. The girl all of the male wolves craved and the female wolves envied did not reflect the Ally they both saw now.

"I... I.." stuttering Helen eventually gave up on her excuse and accepted Blake's words.

"What happened to my sister? What did my father do to her?"

Blake demanded an answer. When he returned home his father instinctively welcomed him and then gave him a heart wrenching proposal out of the blue.

"Blake, your father played no part in this."

Helen defended her husband which infuriated Blake even more.

"Do not ever defend that man, you hear me! All he has ever done is punish what he cannot comprehend and has broken the best chance this pack has ever had!"

Blake's bellowing words broke down Helen's defense and she began weeping falling to her knees.

"Out of all of the men you could have conceived with. Why did it have to be him Mom?!

Blake also fell to his knees and began weeping with his mother. Despite his hatred towards his father, Helen was an exceptional, nurturing mother when he wasn't around. So, he always had a soft spot for her. Remembering this he grabbed his mother and held her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to burden you mom. But I can't take this guilt and Ally will have to endure the same pain over and over until she submits."

"Then she will die."

Helen spoke sobbing in her son's chest. Blake was startled but also revitalized after hearing his mothers words. It was true, Ally would rather die than submit to her father, Blake knew Ally too well.

The thought of this was too much for Blake to bare. Suddenly struck Blake jumped up and ran out of the room.

------------------Ally's room-------------------

Ally slammed her fist onto the floor and pulled herself up with her bed-covers. Still badly beaten Ally struggled to walk but pushed through her bodies endless desire to rest. Looking at her closet she noticed all that were left was casual wear. All of her going out clothes were sitting crumpled in a pile in the corner. Conflicted, Ally glared at them squinting her eyes. Her black coated eyelashes stood out most among her features as it extenuated her icy blue eyes. Do I dare ? she thought. Thinking briefly she sighed deeply and picked out a black cocktail dress fresh on the pile of clothes. Putting on her plain black heels she threw the dress over her head and was painfully reminded that her injuries were severe and the cotton fibers scraped against the gashes in her flesh. Wincing in pain, she finally managed to put on the dress and headed for the window. Jumping down without effort Ally strutted off into the night. Ally knew the punishment for this would cost her gravely.