Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 19 "Relapse"

"You've got to be f*cking kidding me, I'm not doing it." Ally was furious this sudden bout of urge could only be apprehended if she drank the blood of a human. The thought made her feel sick. All three men bowed their head shamefully, they had reacted the same way to blood-lust and knew painfully well it always won in the end. Mia leaned against the kitchen bench her head pressed against it as she endured this burning pain in her throat, she would rather Lucian break both of her hands a thousand times over.

"Ally, this is something you can't fight, trust me." Joseph said sternly, he didn't want to pity her, he wanted her to give in before it was too late. Aiden rubbed Ally's back to soothe her shaking body. Isaac shot him a daring look as to which Aiden scoffed and continued.

"This is my body, I chose what I drink and what I don't. Don't think I'm being stubborn because I'm oblivious as to what this means. I know what will happen if I don't drink it." Ally had been researching folk law since she was a child, she wanted to know more about herself as well as the enemy. Knowledge was power after all. Isaac decided not to push her and instead see how much she could endure. He lasted three hours after turning before his blood lust took-over, which was quite admirable most couldn't last five minutes.

"I'm going to get you a blood bag, if you can fight it then try, if not then drink." Joseph looked at Isaac like an alien, what was he trying to achieve. Ally spun around and grabbed his collar both her eyes still blood red.

"Don't you dare bring that anywhere near me!" she shouted. Isaac could see she lacked resolve, and if she lacked resolve then so did her blood-lust.

"It hurts I can see it in your eyes Ally, I'm doing you a kindness." Isaac gently peeled Ally's finger from his collar and left for the basement where the blood bags were held. Ally turned around to leave before he returned only to be stopped by Aiden.

"I know him Ally, he isn't trying to punish you. It's for your own good."

"Bullshit, I don't need it. Are you proud backing me into a corner? When people are backed into a corner, they get desperate." She said with deadly eyes, Aiden was slightly unnerved but stood his ground. Isaac swiftly returned with the bag in hand and without saying a word opened it letting the intoxicating smell make Ally's hair stand on end. Ally covered her mouth and eyes, so she could no longer smell or see it. Turning away Joseph took her shoulder and held her still.

"Don't!" she cried pushing Joseph away forcefully as he hit the bench behind him, this was the first time Ally had showed violence towards him and he was shocked at her strength.

"Stop fighting it Ally, what are you so afraid of this is who you are now." Isaac sounded dark and malignant as he spoke, even Aiden was shocked he was being to blunt with her.

"This is not who I am. I'm not afraid!" she screamed angrily her body aching all over as she fought the urge. Aiden went to steady her as she stumbled in place, but she pushed him back. She was in a shark tank except this time she wasn't the bait, suddenly she directed her blood-lust towards the three men pressuring her and lashed out.

"You're a control freak Ally and the minute you lose that you lose everything else. Your composure, temper, humanity everything. If you want it then take it." Isaac shoved the bag in her face and insatiably she smacked it from his hand causing it to splatter all over the white marble benches.

"S-stop it please… I can't do it." Ally sobbed succumbing to her pain. Aiden stepped forwards to comfort her, but Joseph stopped him, he recognized what Isaac was doing.

"What do you think will happen if you give in? You'll become monster ruled by your urges?" Isaac asked curiously kneeling to her level. Ally looked up her eyes glowing red.

"Nothing rules me but myself, I don't need it." She gritted her teeth in anger and Isaac couldn't help but sigh.

"Why do you think we drink it? Because we want too? No, we drink it to survive, to be strong. If you want to be strong, to ensure Eli never does what he did to you ever again. Then drink it." Ally looked up in his revelation, this would make her strong? Aiden and Joseph both watched as she stood up wiping the tears from her face.

"I am who I choose to be. This is a part of me I can't fight, sometimes what we don't want is what we need most." Ally gave herself some words of wisdom, Isaac smiled. Finally, she understood this was her choice. He would never have forced her to drink it he wanted her to find that strength on her own. Little did he know this was the last time he would see Ally like this ever again…

"First times supposed to be special right?" she said with a dark tone. Joseph looked at her wearily.

"Get me a feeder." She said sternly, truly she had taken this up a notch. All three gentlemen looked at each other flabbergasted.

"Are you sure?" Aiden asked worriedly, once you drank from the vein you never went back.

"I need to be strong right? If I'm going to do this then I'm going to do it right." Ally was emotionless. Isaac nodded reputably at her then took her hand guiding her to the basement. Aiden couldn't help looking at the back of her head as she proudly walked down the steps. It was as if she'd switched everything off, her emotions, humanity, empathy. It was her survival mode and it was effective, she could bare the pain suddenly like it had been blocked from her brain.

Walking down the cobber-stone steps they arrived at the desolate basement filled with the smell of blood and stale life. Ally sniffed up after identifying a smell that stood out among the rest, walking up to a plank heavy wooden door she swung it open. In the cell was a young boy, no older than Quinn, she felt her heart break to see him sitting on the feeding chair clearly exhausted. His eyes seemed to light up seeing Ally walk in because she was a new face. Ally walked over the sink and poured him a glass of water kindly handing it to him. Gratefully the boy took it with shaking hands, for some reason he didn't fear her.

"What's your name?" she asked softly. Aiden and Isaac were worried she hadn't already mauled him as blood from the vein for a new-born was like heroin, but she seemed to be unphased.

"It's James." He said brightly, Ally could see the bite marks on his neck and pulled her face away in despair.

"It's okay it doesn't hurt." He said calmly stroking his neck. He had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he was beautiful. Ally could smell the quality of his blood, it was richer than the rest.

"My names Ally, I wanted to talk to you for a while if that's alright." Ally sat opposed to him and stroked his face delicately. Lewis could feel the warmth in her touch and smiled relived she wasn't one of them.

"You're not a vampire, are you? You have warm hands." Ally couldn't understand why he wasn't cowering in fear, if anything he was very accepting to all this.

"No, I'm different would you like to see?" the boy nodded intrigued and sat forwards. Ally took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them the boy gasped in delight?

"You're a half-breed, that's cool I've never seen one of those before." Ally smiled modestly before her eyes returned to blood red.

"James, now that you know what I am. Can I ask you what you are?" James nodded happily like he'd been asked this a thousand times over.

"I have a rare blood type, so Joseph pays me a lot of money to let them feed from me. I want to be a doctor, so I have a high tutor fee to pay." Ally smiled seeing he had a bright future ahead of him.

"I see, James you can say no, I won't be angry." Ally bit her lip struggling to say the words. This was very difficult for her.

"You can feed from me." He answered her question modestly. Ally looked at his neck covered in bite marks they look quite painful. Ally thought for a while, she couldn't feed from him like this. Isaac and Aiden watched in awe as Ally bit her arm. James was frozen as she applied the blood to his neck.

"Wait!" Joseph demanded watching it unfold. Ally watched as her blood healed his wounds in seconds.

"Wow, I didn't know vampires could do that?" James said baffled and amused. Joseph entered the room quickly looking at his wounds.

"Vampires can't…" he said quietly.

"How did you do that?" he looked in shock at Ally.

"He was injured and anemic, I fixed him. What's the big deal." Ally looked at Joseph in confusion, why was this so shocking to him.

"We'll discuss this later. Carry on." He said timidly leaving the room. James gave Ally and thankful nod and arced his neck up waiting for her to feed. Ally gently curled up behind him, she could feel the blood run through his body. It was the most erotic and intoxicating thing she'd ever experienced, A single tears fell from her cheek as she bit down on the boy's neck, he shuffled for a second but eventually closed his eyes.

"You're gentler than the rest, it doesn't hurt when you do it." He said happily. Ally felt her body cells ignite and her eyes burn as the blood rushed down her throat. It was like fine cream and whiskey, the best taste you could imagine. Ally sucked for a while and then clenched her fists forcing herself to stop. Aiden and Isaac waked in as she sat behind James with tears in her eyes, but she felt stronger already like she could demolish the whole building. James turned around with a sad expression to see her weeping.

"Ally, are you alright?" Aiden asked sadly watching the turmoil on her face explode.

"Thank-you James." Without glancing at anyone she bowed her head and ran out of the door.

Ally sprinted through the halls faster than light and burst through the entrance doors to see Blake making phone-calls out in the garden. Startled by the sudden bang he turned around and saw his sister fall to her knees in agony.

"Ally!" he rushed over and tried to cradle her, but she pushed him away, as she lifted her head Blake gasped to see both of her eyes glowing red.

"N-no y-you…" he stuttered in shock, Blake wasn't stupid he knew what this meant…

"I'm sorry Blake… I didn't want to let it in. I swear it!" she sobbed her head pressed into the damp grass. Everyone had heard the commotion and ran outside seeing the famous King Slayer laying defeated on the training field. Jade stood at the front of the formation with a scheming smile on her face.

"How was your first taste King Slayer, was it good?" she said cunningly. This was her fault…if she hadn't of opened that bag Ally wouldn't have had the urge to feed. Since her transition she'd been fighting this gene that was forced into her body by Lucian, now she'd let it in she felt hopeless and weak. Ally stood up wiping away her tears, Blake backed away from her seeing the thunder on her face. Isaac and Aiden both ran out and stopped seeing her standing stiff as a board.

"Ally?" Isaac said desperately not recognising the girl in front of him. Ally turned around and didn't look at anyone but Jade. Aiden could tell immediately she had murderous intent written all over her as she readied a fighting stance.

"I warned you, one more strike and you're out." Her words imitated pure evil and before anyone could do anything Ally sprinted over and pinned Jade against the floor. Isaac quickly rushed over and tried to restrain her, but her strength was unimaginable. With a simple shrug of her shoulders Isaac was flung 20 metres away almost taking Aiden down with him. Vampires suddenly began to scramble seeing she was serious, they had never felt so fearful of a being in their lives. Jade's eyes were streaming as she gasped for breath hearing yet again her windpipe being crushed under the pressure. Ally showed no emotion at all; her face didn't show a shred of empathy for the helpless girl pinned under her wrath.

"Sis, please stop this isn't who you are." Blake shouted sitting not far from her. Ally ignored him and squeezed harder causing Jade to squeak in pain.

"He's right Ally listen!"

"No! You listen." Letting go of Jade she stood up swiftly and faced the line of people who had tried to help her. Hearing the commotion, Helen and Joseph had also joined Isaac, Aiden and Blake on the training field.

"You wanted this! You must get stronger Ally, those are your exact words. I've spent my whole life raised as a wolf, blessed that I didn't have to do this sort of this and now look at me. I don't belong with any of you, I'm different." She said tears streaming from her mismatched eyes.

"You're right you are different but that's not a bad thing Ally. I've never met anyone other than a pure-blood with the strength and speed you have." Joseph said honestly. He had studied her for a long time watching how she fought, think, run and feed. The restraint she showed was memorizing, commonly the first ever person a new-born would feed from would die because restraint was the hardest skill any vampire could master.

"Sis, you could be a pure-blood vampire and I wouldn't look at you any differently. It doesn't matter what you are it matters who you are. You're Ally and that's all there is to it." Ally smirked at her brothers encouraging words, it touched her heart to see him speak so kindly when his face was consumed with fear.

"It's so easy for you to say that brother. You don't have to look at yourself everyday and see a stranger. I don't know who I am anymore, I'm trying so hard to be better. To stop being so cold but I can't it's just the way I am. I love you Blake, but I'm not your sister anymore we don't even share the same blood." Blake felt his heart ache hearing her say such hurtful things. This was the girl he'd spent every waking moment with, his twin, his sister, his protector. Maybe she was right…maybe she wasn't Ally anymore. Isaac decided this was enough and approached her standing less than three inches away from her.

"Are you done?" he said coldly.

"Are you? If you want to face me then go ahead. I won't go easy on you." This was a warning, the venom on her tongue had seeped through her lips, the hurtful things she had in her head scared her.

"Go ahead, if you want to take everyone down with you Ally then that's your choice. We are trying to help you."

"You can't! I'm not blind Isaac I know your trying. A broken person is like a broken mirror, your better off throwing it away rather than cut yourself on the glass trying to fix it. That was the last straw, when I fed off that boy, I liked it. How am I any different from Lucian huh?" everyone listened to her words and finally started to understand what she meant. For her whole life she was known as the Alpha's daughter, respected for her strength and wit. Now who was she? The hybrid who killed a King in cold blood, the girl everyone feared.

Helen, "Ally sweetheart please stop this."

"No, mom. I'm done pretending, you're right this isn't who I am. If you want the real me then you're better off walking away, because you can't help her." Helen bowed her head in defeat because she knew she was right.

Joseph, "What will you do then?" Ally was caught off guard by his question, she hadn't thought that far. Everything was rushing through her head at once, she didn't have time to think.

"There's nothing I can do, I just have to embrace it right? Embrace that I'm a supernatural anomaly. I'll stay until the trial, then I'm leaving. You're a target because of me if I leave then Eli will follow. You'll be safe." Ally came up with a rough plan in her head, she'd been considering it for a while. She felt selfish staying by their side putting them in the firing line.

Aiden, "Y-you can't leave, you're safe here. You can't do this on your own Ally."

Ally, "I'm used to being alone how do you think I've survived this long? It's safer for all of you."

Isaac, "Bullshit Ally! Don't act like this is for our sake. This is so you don't have to deal with what your feeling. You think you can just run away, and we'll just disappear. Eli is worse than Aiden, he will hurt you worse than he did in that hospital room." Isaac was shaking with anger, he was tired of walking on eggshells she needed to know the truth.

"That's enough Isaac." Joseph interjected this conversation was heading no-where. They were just running around in circles.

Ally, "Where were you Isaac? Yet again when I need you, you weren't there. What about you Aiden?" Aiden looked away in guilt while Isaac refused to break eye-contact with her.

"That's not fair."

"Life's not fair; why should I be? Your right Joseph… that is enough." Ally wiped away her tears and stormed back into the house. Isaac turned around looking at everyone with thunder on his face.

Isaac, "Stop protecting her! She has to face this, what's the point in me standing against her if your all standing equal? If you want to help her then stop beating around the f*cking bush."

Aiden, "You know her so well don't you brother? Take this as a warning, if you ever stand against her like that again, I won't forgive you." Isaac rolled his eyes.

Joseph, "I said that's enough! I'm not watching this shit show any longer, if you want to tear each other apart then go ahead. I have a clan to run." Joseph glared at both brothers before returning to the mansion. Isaac scowled at Aiden before also returning.

"You love my sister, don't you?" Blake asked out of the blue. Aiden looked at him dumbfounded.

"I-I don't know Blake." Blake nodded his head before returning inside. The whole unit had disbanded, leaving everyone at a stand-still. Without Ally as the foundation they all seemed to crumble. They all wanted to protect her, but she wouldn't face who she was. How can you protect someone you no longer knew?

"Do you ever think she'll change?" Helen asked despairingly. Aiden bowed his head as raindrops began to fall on his raven black hair.

"I hope Helen, if she doesn't then she's right. We can't help her…"