Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 93 "Don't Know What You've got until It's Gone..."

Blake, "What do you think she's doing right now?" All of the boys were in the kitchen drinking whiskey seeing there was nothing else to do. It was funny how when one person left, all the fun seemed to leave with them. At first, it was refreshing without the drama but now...they were bored with the same routine.

Isaac, "This is Ally King we're talking about, she could be doing anything. But my guess would be kicking ass and taking names." Aiden cheered to that. Barriers vanished a long time ago, and somehow things that were once impossible became daily life.

Eli, "Still, something was off before she left. Aiden you saw it too right, she had no recollection of fighting with Isaac almost like it wasn't her. Isn't that a bit off?" Isaac almost choked on his whiskey, why was he just hearing about this now? Aiden avoided his glare knowing he'd done wrong by keeping it from him.

Aiden, "I saw it alright. Your right something was off before she left but we all know Ally. If it doesn't concern us she won't confide in-case it puts us at risk." Blake felt a nostalgic memory pop up from their childhood.

Blake, "I remember when we were both eight years old. Mom had broken one of dad's precious ornaments he'd gotten from America. I know she wanted to tell him right away but Ally told her not to say a word. We picked up the pieces and tried to hide it but he always had a keen eye when it came to his possessions. Mom went to open her mouth to confess but Ally stamped on her foot to keep her quiet. The next thing we hear is 'If it was that important you wouldn't have left it so precariously on the edge of your desk. It's almost like you enjoy getting angry.'" Blake chuckled, Isaac strangely remembered that too. It seemed insignificant but in reality, it showed her character.

Eli, "So, what happened?"

Blake, "Ally took the fall and got punished. That was the first time I'd seen that cold expression turn red with rage. Still, she came back out of the basement proudly with her head held high. It didn't matter that our mom had broken it, what mattered was how our father reacted. Ally proved a very valid point that day. Punish the guilty and fear will spread, punish the innocent and you will become the criminal. Everyone turned on my father after that day." Isaac then knew why it was so significant. That day the pack saw her with bloody gashes on her back and completely changed their perspective on Jackson. Basically, she bent them to her will. They all started talking about their childhoods excitedly.

However, it had been noted by all that Luther hadn't said a word the whole time and seemed to be trapped in his thought. Not even a smither of light-filled those blood-red eyes. Isaac didn't like the guy but seeing him look so empty resonated in him. Finally, he knew what it was like to love Ally King the unpredictable hybrid.

Isaac, "Oi, this is the quietest I've ever seen you, what up?" Luther just looked at him seemingly numb. Aiden didn't care for him much either he only tolerated him because he was important to Ally and Lilly's father yet he was also worried.

Luther, "Sorry I was somewhere else, what did you say?" Considering he had a hypersensitive hearing this was worrying, it's like Ally had taken his soul with her. Eli had never seen his father so listless before.

Eli, "You haven't said a word the whole time, what's gotten into you?" Luther sighed and gulped down the last of his whiskey, usually, alcohol didn't touch him but now he was plastered. Blake felt partly responsible as it was his idea that they drink.

Luther, "I can't feel her." He said in a miserable tone. Aiden picked up, they always forgot that Ally had a bond to Luther and they could usually pick up on each other's location as well as emotions. Maybe that was why Lilly had been so restless too.

Blake, "She's that far away that you can't feel her where the hell could she have gone?" Zoned out they all began speculating. Perhaps she'd gone back into the human world to scout lost creatures or even the vampire county to recruit followers but...Luther already knew there was only one place that could block out Ally from his sight.

Luther, "Mage county..." He whispered under his breath.

Isaac, "What? Mage county, why would she go there?" It was a good question, one Luther couldn't answer. Unless...

Luther, "Mage's can create a void to stop others from finding them almost like a blank plane of existence. Ally wanted guidance, help in what our best plan of action would be. I know she's there."

Eli, "Then what are we doing sitting here let's go get her!" Blake rolled his eyes, why didn't they learn.

Blake, "Number one, even if she is there if we try to find her it'll be more trouble than it's worth she specifically told us not to find her. Number Two, the reason she left us behind is to protect the pack, if we go were taking all of the lives in this place with us." Eli sighed, that was true she always had a plan or reason for something she wouldn't be the frustrating calculated Ally King if she blindly started begging around for help.

Aiden, "Even if we could have tagged along there's not a chance in hell she'd let us. If it's dangerous then she'll go it alone." They all said amen to that. Still, mage county was terrifying, you could barely tell left from right almost like a haunted forest. It made the hairs stand up on their necks thinking about it.

Blake, "I have a bad feeling right now." It was more than a bad feeling it was stomach curdling dread. Ally was more fragile than she made out, who wouldn't be after all she'd been through.

Eli, "It's important enough for her to leave Lilly. We know her she doesn't leave my sister's side, if she had to sever that new motherly bond then this is something we need." They couldn't really argue with that point. Blake stood up and walked over to the kitchen cabinet for more whiskey when his whole body froze at the window. Completely flushed with fear he ducked down at the sink attracting everyone's attention.

Blake, "Call Ally." It was quick but he still shuddered his words. Isaac could see the complete terror in his eyes, Blake was strong much like Ally but now he looked like a wounded animal. Luther quickly shot over to the window and stood still for a while peering into the tree line. It was strange the fireflies danced in a solid pattern tonight...

Luther, "No..." he whispered in utter devastation. All of them gathered to the window to see dozens of eyes glued on them. They were being surrounded as they breathed. Isaac snapped the curtains closed and looked at everyone with sad cold eyes. This was it, Ally had either been wrong or influenced in her vision.

Isaac, "Get Helen to gather the mothers and pups, tell the rest it's time." With tears in his eyes, he nodded and ran to gather them. Luther rushed off to get Lilly from her cradle and to Helen.

Helen, "She's gonna be okay, go and end this." Luther was now feeling the most painful feeling in the world looking at his daughter's innocent sleeping face and seeing her mother returning to aid them too late.

Luther, "Thankyou I'll try my best." It wasn't a promise and Helen knew that from the start. Still, his insecurity without his mate was clearer than a day. People began running from their rooms into the kitchen where Aiden and Isaac stood calmly. Before long they were all standing in formation in rows just like they had been taught by their alpha.

Isaac, "Listen up. There has been an unfortunate calculation on our timing. We're sorry but the fight starts now. P-Please kiss your loved ones and say goodbye." They all cried as the truth spilt into their souls. They couldn't shift like them or use abilities. It was like a fish in the jaws of a shark.

Aiden, "Ally isn't here right now. She went to give us a better chance, to where I have no idea. I want you all to know all she ever wanted was to protect us so please don't blame her for what's about to happen. I'm sure she'll blame herself enough...when she finds us." They all nodded tearfully. This was it...this tale was coming to an end...