Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 95 "Fight Or Flight."

Isaac, "I need all the women and children down into the shelter now! We're on borrowed time people." Aiden was sweeping the mansion looking for people in a blind panic. No-one had expected this, every heart stuck to their throats. Everyone unconsciously screaming out for Ally. Some of the older wolves were kissing their families goodbye with teary eyes filled with fear...

Luther, "Quinn take Lilly down with you, she feels comfortable when your there. Please!" Usually so prideful and would have argued nail and tooth about standing with his comrades Quinn tucked Lilly close to him bowed and took her down to the shelter. This was Ally's daughter, someone had to protect her. Luther felt like the world was ending watching Lilly's small hand reaching out to him as they descended the dark staircase. It was haunting knowing this may be the last time he saw her.

Blake, "Mom you have to go down, you can't fight!" Helen pushed him back, Eli sighed knowing this wasn't time for a family feud, hundreds of eyes were closing in on them as they spoke.

Helen, "This is my pack too! Ally isn't here, you need all the help you can get."

Eli, "Although both points are valid, you're wasting your breath, Blake. If she wants to fight let her." Helen didn't even wait for his approval and ran over to Luther who was talking to the pack.

Luther, "Vital Points are the neck, Achilles heel, chest, and nose! All of those will give you an advantage in taking them down. Feral wolves aren't held down by fighting ability, they will scratch, claw you through mere killing instinct." All of this was Ally's teaching. It was a painful reminder that their usual hero wouldn't just to the rescue. Every bullet fired at them would wound them, their only shield would be themselves.

Aiden, "Is everyone downstairs?" Isaac nodded wiping the sweat from his brow, the adrenaline had run out leaving him groggy and exhausted through sheer stress. It would be hard to fight like this he thought.

Isaac, "We have 20 good fighters here, I think we have a shot." Aiden gave a small smile, it wasn't like Isaac to be so positive without Ally. Everyone listened to Luther's raw reminder that this was a fight for life. Not territory, not fun, not training. This was the real thing. Desperate perspiration filled the room, these wolves had been trained to kill their whole life and yet the thought of taking another life made them sick.

Blake, "Okay this is it. Keep your senses sharp and your heads high."

In the sudden break of dusk, seventeen men, two women, and one young boy emerged from the quiet house. At the end of the long stretch of green stood three entities. George...Sol and Shadow. Isaac tried to clock Kazo but he was already mixed into the many hungry eyes preying on them. Feral wolves were tough, tougher than pack wolves but less intelligent. Their padded paws circling them made even the ground shiver.

Sol, "Where is she?" He said in both worry and disgust. George also scanned the brave few and noticed their frontman...was missing? Shadow's eyes darted around looking for the dangerous hybrid they based their whole battle plan on.

Aiden, "They're looking for Ally, looks like she was their first target." Luther clenched his fists. Now that she wasn't here what would they do? Taking them out would be so much easier.

Blake, "We have to hold down the house and make sure they don't get to Lilly, as soon as they find out Ally's gone she will be a priority." They all nodded. Eli and Camilla both gave a nod of approval, their little sister was important. Too important to lose.

George, "How interesting not to see your pawn at the front line, where is she? Waiting in the trees to tear my head off?" he addressed the area around them. Waiting for a sly remark or perhaps an attack but...nothing, even her family were too quiet about her whereabouts. Maybe this was a tactic.

Sol, "Your wasting your breath I don't sense her at all. How strange." He eyed up Luther.

Sol," Your martyr's not here?" That meant they expected Ally to be their shield. So at least she'd ruined one of their plans despite not being there. Isaac's eyes weren't even focused on his situation, they were glued to the tree line desperate to see. Just to see that this was apart of her plan. But...there was nothing, not a slither of glowing white hair. Not a pair of mismatched eyes peeking for an advantage point. It was surprisingly lonely not fighting beside her they'd been soul mates since a young age, training together, picking the other back up if they failed and told them to try again.

George, "Don't tell me she abandoned you all? This must be a sign that you'll all die today." Eli and Camilla hissed, there was no chance they were getting through the front line to their younger brother and sister.

Luther, "Where she is, is none of your business. Now, are you just going to talk until she shows up, or are you going to get this thing started." Luther's eyes glowed a bright blood red. Aiden could feel the aggression seeping through his pores. Of course, he was just a father protecting his child but he had a strange expression on his face. It was reckless yet fearful. Something felt off about him, not only was he antagonizing the situation he was fully prepared for it like he'd seen it...before.

Isaac startled as Aiden flashed him an almost devastating stare. Isac frowned and slowly moved around the back of the formation fear completely stole the remaining oxygen around them. It reeked of anxiety.

Isaac, "Why do you look like a mouse caught in a trap?" Aiden glanced between him and Luther until Isaac finally got fed up and gripped his chin. This was a game-changer, where they stood right now, we're all apart of a plan. Yet why weren't they told?

Aiden, "Luther's seen this before...I swear to you. I can tell by the way he's acting. Isaac...we need Ally. I don't know what the hell he's thinking but he can't do it alone. Even purebloods can die if mauled by a wolf." Isaac was still in shock hearing Luther had seen it and yet kept it quiet. It could have given them a huge advantage. Before he knew it his hand was gripped tightly on Luther collar ragging him towards those seething red eyes.

Isaac, "You F*cking---"

Luther, "Your quick I'll give you that. But this is the way it has to be, or you can say goodbye for good. Now get off me." Isaac didn't need to be forced, the subtle pain behind those previously passionate eyes pried those shaking fingers from him. Aiden heard as well as everyone else who riled themselves more.

George, "I'm surprised she's not here but no matter I'm sure if I take that precious daughter of hers she'll soon follow." Blake almost ran at him, there was no way he had the guts to be on her hit list.

Aiden, " You realize that once you go after Lilly, you won't live long enough to make such idiotic claims. Ally will kill you, you're prepared for that?" George responded with a sly hidden smile. Luther caught on quickly, it looked like he had another trick up his sleeve. Blake was too riled up to pick up on it, his eyes were glued to shadow. The person they let into their home and began to trust. The bastard almost killed his sister and niece.

Isaac, "Before we start this answer me one thing..." George nodded for him to go on, it would most likely be his last wish, what sort of man would he be to refuse?

Isaac, "How long have you been watching Ally?" George chuckled, this boy was sharp. Sol also looked at George almost warning him not to answer. Maybe it was finally time, to tell the truth...

George, " Watching seems like such a sinister word. I didn't observe Ally. I MADE Ally King." Luther gave him a worried expression. How could that be possible?

Blake, "What are you talking about?" he scowled.

George, "You see my family strives on tradition as well as preservation. You recall Ally was undetectable on scans, she was only known when your mother gave birth to her. Why do you think that is?" Annoyed Isaac shrugged his shoulders. They had no idea what he was getting at. Amused by those blank faces George laughed.

George, " My family specializes in a very rare ability. We call it spite. Being a hybrid while also carrying the Luna gene cannot possibly be done, the vessel wouldn't be able to handle the strain. So...I gave her a helping hand." Everyone felt a wave of anxiety rush over them, without Ally here they had to believe what George was saying.

Blake, "What the f*ck did you do to my sister!" Under his low tone was a sinister growl.

George, " All of that strength and power came from none other than me. Without me, she has no chance of survival. What can I say I like to think ahead. That day in the hospital when Ally almost died was because of Luna, when I looked down on her I saw such a promise, it would have been such a shame to lose it. So I gave her a helping hand." No way... Blake couldn't even muster a breath. It was true, they never questioned why Ally had survived that day. George was the reason she was alive, so that meant...

Luther, "If we kill you it will also kill Ally..." All of a sudden their confidence sunk into anxiety, landing in the pit of their stomach. It was sickening, what would Ally do if she found out?

George, "That's exactly right. what will you do?" It was unbelievable he was this sadistic, to plan almost twenty years ahead for this moment showed just how frightening his mind was. Sol and Shadow had moved over to the left sneakily but Aiden caught them and nudged Isaac so he could prepare in-case they were looking to end this.

Blake, "You f*cking leech! All of this just so you could have her as your trophy! Do you have any idea how much she's suffered because of you? Do you even care?" George shrugged him off if only 'care' was a word in his vocabulary and maybe he would have pitied her pain.

George, "Wild animals take a lot of discipline, I thought maybe it wouldn't hurt to break her a bit." Luther clenched his teeth until they ground, his body shaking with rage. All of this time he'd blamed himself for her agony, that guilt wasn't his to bear at all. It was this man. The cause of all problems in their life, yet he couldn't lay a hand on him. When they all looked at George standing proudly only to see Ally standing strong in their minds. Why couldn't they win without losing something?

Shadow, "Father I'm bored, can we kill them yet?" Blake flinched, they weren't prepared anymore at all. Once that stampede of razor-sharp nails and teeth came their way...what would happen. Adrenaline turned into fear, bravery converted into cowardly shaking well-built men.

Isaac, "Don't falter it's going to be okay. As long as you fight with all you have then nothing you experience will be in vain. Think about the people beyond that pack door, your partners, your children they can't fight as we can. They need us." Everyone stopped shaking for a second after those words sunk in. A calm state fell over them almost like a heavy cloud after releasing its anger.

Blake, "Ready?" They all got into formation forming a wide circle around the field. Luther and Isaac glued to George, Sol, and Shadow. The people who had hurt the girl they loved more than anyone else excluding themselves. In their mind they thought under the oppressing shadow of death 'This is for you Ally'. George smiled and raised his hand causing the wolves to start growling viciously. Speckles of brown and black filled the darkness around them. This was their last bout of strength.

George, "Go." In a slightly sinister voice knowing the bloodshed to come...

George, "Huh? What the hell are you doing! I said attack!" Most of the pack looked around in confusion waiting apprehensively for those pounding paws to trample them. But they all were silent, not a single whine. Just eyes, glaring in silence. Was this another trick? What on earth was happening? Shadow also looked at his father confused confirming this wasn't part of the plan. Sol looked around feeling something strange in the air, almost like a warm humid cloud making it hard to breathe. It didn't stink of anger or fear.

Sol, "Strange shouldn't they be losing their minds by now? George?" He sounded strongly concerned. Blake and the others didn't break formation but could almost feel something but it was different from Sol. It was warm and inviting like being embraced.

Shadow, "Fath--" That boy didn't get to finish his sentence, and most likely won't ever again. It was so quick all they could do was gasp as he fell to the floor blood gushing from his open neck and standing over him...

Isaac, "No way..."