Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 97 "I Thought You'd Grow Old With Me."

If there's one thing I've learned in the twenty years I've been alive. Regret... is the most powerful emotion of them all. When I think of the people I've lost, I want to remember the happy times. The day you were there as we welcomed our beautiful child into the world, the way you never gave up on me, how you'd look at me when you thought I couldn't see. If I was sad you held me while I cried, if I locked myself away you'd wait on the other side of it until I was ready. We've laughed, we've fought but no matter what happened you were there beside me. And I love you with everything I have, I want you to know that. I want you to hear me, I need you to understand how much you mean to me. I have so much to say but so little time. Your dazzling red eyes that follow me making sure I'm okay. The way you smile when you see me, all of that. I don't want to let go of you. Because I need you. Please don't leave me alone. We have a daughter to raise. I want to see you holding her hand, helping her walk, comforting her when her heartbreaks, teaching her about her family. Why...why do I have to always lose something important.

' From the moment I lay my eyes on you I knew from that moment on that I'd need you. You were so courageous and strong for such a small child, you'd happily take punishment to save another person from suffering. I asked myself, how could someone be so stern yet kind because I'd never been able to distinguish the difference in them. Teaching the smaller kids to walk, watching the older ones progress as time went on. All of that was assurance, so when a time like this came around they could fight while also protecting others. People who are smart and selfless, people I watch walk around the pack-house with smiles on their faces. You did all of that. You brought me out of the darkness, taught my children that not everyone is their enemy, gave birth to a child that you would do anything for.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Ally. But it had to be this way, trust me with this. Your an amazing leader, amazing mother, and an amazing mate. I've learned to be selfless when it comes to people I love. You did that for me, fate didn't stand a chance against you. I know you'll always keep fighting no matter what. That's why it's okay for me to say goodbye to you. I love you Ally King.'

Ally, "H-Hey...stop playing around Luther. Get up?" Everyone else had stood aside to let through their alpha, Isaac and Aiden were still in shock. The most powerful vampire at their feet struggling for energy. Never...had they predicted this. Surely he was too selfish to sacrifice himself, if he'd seen the vision then surely he could have avoided this yet why was he still lay there. Blake watched the patch of red on his chest begin growing across his white shirt. It's translucent stain revealed a large bullet hole directly near his heart. His tongue almost hissed out loud, a wound like that wasn't only painful but deadly. Ally gasped tearing away his shirt, it made a sharp pain travel from her brain to her heart. She wasn't an idiot. The discoloration, his breathing pattern and...his temperature. Usually his skin had a sharp chill, yet now it was so hot Ally struggled to keep her hand there for more than ten seconds. Isaac, kept waiting for him to say something but...he didn't as she began trying to save him. All he did was smile with his hand intertwined with hers. Like he was...content?

Isaac, "You really...are happy with this?" he whispered reaching Aiden's ears. He had also noticed the same thing, that face he made as tears fell onto his bare bleeding chest was one of no regrets and somehow that was frustrating. All of this time he'd plagued them like a boomerang, yet the one time it actually counted he didn't put up even an inch of a fight.

All of a sudden a small cry made everyone but Ally freeze. Nothing else mattered to her right now, she felt so desperate it was suffocating. Why wasn't he moving? All he would do was hold her hand as if saying you don't have to do that. WHO DOESN'T HAVE TO DO THAT!

Ally, "Hey! Listen to me right now, I don't know what your thinking or what you've done but I will literally kill you if you think about giving up now!" Luther's face dropped from its peaceful state as soon as she forced his eyes to hers. There were so many tears, her eyes were bright red from repressing and her voice almost hoarse. Isaac could see how much she was suffering, not once had she stopped shaking since that gunshot went off. Then again hadn't Ally...just lost someone? When she said Luna was free that must have meant she was no longer with Ally.

Helen, "Sweetheart, please calm down." It was unbearable to see her hyperventilating while trying her best to save him, the number of times she cut her arm to heal the wound was becoming uncountable. It hurt to hear whenever that blade sliced her skin. It was controlling her emotions so much she didn't even realize Lilly was less than ten feet away calling for her. Eli and Camilla have sat either side of their father watching the person they once despised with all their soul continuously mutilate herself and sob in an attempt to save their father. It made them feel so weak, they couldn't help him as Ally could.

Luther, "Please Ally, stop." He raised his other hand to touch her face but she slapped it away, the wound wasn't healing at all, and whatever coated the bullet she didn't have the time or resources to cure. It was so frustrating to watch him lie there so peaceful like he had no regrets.

Ally, "Look at me!" she gripped his pale face and gritted her teeth. Those jewel red eyes dull and his usual smoldered posture was so limp. Ally's face was soaked in despair which only depended as Lilly's excited voice found her ears. All of a sudden Ally wasn't just scared of losing someone selfishly...if Luther died Lilly wouldn't have her father. A lingering cloud of anxiety leaped over every head on that field, they all looked at this desperate mother and innocent child watching the one person they loved dear fall to pieces.

Ally, " I've had enough! I-I can't heal you, Luther, you have to do this yourself. I'm begging you, please get back up. Even if it takes you a hundred years to recover, I need you to stay alive!" Luther tilted his head letting a flow of hidden tears escape. It was the first time he'd seen Ally so sad in all the time he'd watched her. It was true she'd cried louder before and faced harder passage yet those eyes...there was so much pain.

Luther, "I can't do that this time Ally. I'm so sorry." Ally gripped his shirt and buried her head deep into his chest feeling the wet blood on her cheek. Lilly was watching this, what would she think not seeing her daddy wake up? Will she remember this?

Isaac, "There has to be something! You can't just lay down and die whenever you f*cking please, your the pureblood king god damn it!" It took a lot by surprise when Isaac also began egging him on to live, considering they had never said a nice word to each other.

Aiden, "There's nothing if there was he'd have it already..." Ally flinched, why did it sound like they knew something she didn't. It made Aiden almost buckle with fear as her accusing cloudy blue eyes reached him.

Luther, "Don't cry." he said wiping her wet cheek weakly with his shaky hand, he glanced over at his daughter with her bright violet eyes looking blankly over the scene before her. Helen was also trembling to watch such a respectable man and the person her daughter loved barely hanging on.

Ally, "Don't cry? You're not in a position to say that you idiot!" It was tearing her insides apart feeling his heart slow down with each minute. So helpless, all she wanted was for someone to swoop down and take his pain away.

Ally, "It hurts...doesn't it?" Luther tried to smile of her concern but it was true...this was agonizing in more way than one. Ally could see his brow twitch in discomfort as she placed her hand on his wound.

Ally, "I'm going to take it away." she choked closing her eyes focusing all her energy on his wound, even if it was just a small amount, she needed to do something. Then like a cold slither in her gut she began feeling a sharp pain, Luther tried to pry her hand away seeing her wince but there was no budging that hand.

Luther, "You don't have to do that, I don't want you to be in pain too."

Ally, "This pain is nothing compared to watching you suffer alone, just be good and let me help you." Isaac was surprised, they lay still like an old couple talking casually like no-one else was there, their hands still tightly intertwined.

Aiden, "Was it you or Ally?" he suddenly asked causing a large silence in the commotion. Ally opened her eyes and raised her tired head from his slowly heaving chest. Luther looked at her face sadly, then looked at Aiden almost with venom like he'd blown everything away.

Ally, "Me? You took that bullet for me?" Her face was heart-wrenching, even his lip trembled unconsciously as another wave of guilt came over him, if only the people around her were normal, they would never have seen through him.

Luther, "Ally..." he wanted to tell her she was wrong, but wouldn't that be even worse. What if one day she found out about his vision, and blamed herself. What sort of mate would he be to leave his most precious person in the dark?

Ally, "Why...would you do that? Who do you think you are to make that choice alone! I can tell from everyone's faces, they had no idea you'd become like this. But-I-I wasn't here..." Sweat soaked hands clenched the skin around her chest, that was right Luther couldn't tell her because she wasn't there.

Isaac, "It's not your fa-"

Ally, "IT IS MY FAULT! How long have you known this would happen, Luther! What would have happened otherwise, I'm begging you don't hold back. I need you to tell me what happened..." Luther could feel her high pulse through her wrist, with each desperate word clenching them tighter. Luther didn't want to say what he'd seen, it resonance still made him cry. Ally felt so much guilt watching him struggle to tell her, she knew that feeling too well.

Luther, "Y-You died Ally...everyone died." Aiden concerningly looked at Isaac.

Ally, "What are you talking about?" Supposedly he'd seen something she hadn't but that didn't make sense to her. Their power was mostly equal so why had he seen something else?

Luther, "T-There was two choices that you made. One was to stay here and fight them the way you used to be. In that scenario, we fought as best we could, but as soon as George did you. did Lilly." Helen shuddered and cuddled her granddaughter in close.

Aiden, "That's right, George said your power would be too much of a burden on your body if he died. That's why you survived after birth...because of the power, he lent you." Ally knew that already the reason her soul was able to take such weighted burden without help. And ironically Ally had been twisted in George's fate also as if he were a final boss. That had been outsmarted and viciously killed the hero's love out of spite.

Ally, "You didn't see me letting Luna go did you?" Luther flinched and tried to catch his breath, those blue pools of despair begging for an answer. It was true...Luther never even saw that outcome in the first place but worked it out quickly seeing her for the last time.

Luther, "I've never been able to accurately predict what you do... you're always full of surprises. But... you're alive. That's all I ever wanted." Yet again he hinted about letting go and it made her broken heartburn up in fury.

Ally, "What about what I want huh? All I've ever wanted was to settle down with my family in peace, no more pain. Somewhere our daughter can grow up surrounded by love and security. With her mother...and her father." Luther felt defeated by her for the last time, once strong clenched hands lay exhausted shaking weakly on his chest. With the amount of shock and bloodloss, this had to be having a bad effect on her. Not to mention shifting was exhausting in its own right.

Ally, "It's my god damn turn to be selfish! Your really going to leave me just like this? B-But we just hea-"

Luther, "I know, I'm really terrible. But you can't save me this time. I'm sorry" Ally shuddered, her lips cramping and trembling. No one else mattered it was just those two. Like it used to be. Thinking back when she lived with him and Damien, it was comforting coming back to a family home. It was nice to hug him when she'd finished work. She wanted that with Lilly, that was what she planned if they survived. But what use was a pretty picture without all the pieces?

Ally, "Mom could you give me Lilly please." Helen looked hesitant not knowing if Lilly should see such a scene, But Ally looked so desperate she couldn't find it in her heart to not let her see her mother and father together. Helen felt a little of Ally's pain. Jackson had bad habits but she still loved him. Yet Ally wasn't only bonded to this man but deeply in love with him despite not showing it. Everyone gave teary smiles as Lilly beamed being cuddle in her mother's arm sniffing her scent for comfort like she'd been deprived of something.

Ally, "I missed you too honey." Her baby helped rationalize what was happening, holding her small body above her dying father was almost too much to deal with, she couldn't talk without wailing or hold Lilly close without breaking. Luther couldn't stop his tears either as Lilly put her tiny hand on his. Before long all of that pent up emotion broke out like a hoard until every member was sniffling. Ally took in a deep breath tilting her head back, what she was about to ask was so selfish and rude the guilt was agonizing but...this was what she needed to do.

Ally, "I need everyone to leave the field." she said quietly with a hoarse voice avoiding the eyes around her. Blake blinked a few times, what on earth was she asking for? There Ally sat in bits ready to pass out from blood loss and exhaustion. But she wanted to be alone, with her mate and their daughter.

Blake, "I understand sis, okay everyone let's go." They all looked really conflicted to follow their Beta's order mostly Isaac, Aiden and Luther's children. Eli and Camilla were his blood but he'd only been a father to them personally for a few months, they didn't talk like they should have but it didn't mean they looked at him with hatred, they were also crying. Because they were all human at heart. Camilla kissed Luther's forehead, stood up and walked away. Eli patted his shoulder and nodded thankfully to him for everything he did behind the scenes. Everyone else goodbyes was short and sweet. Even Isaac was teary-eyed as he said his last words to Luther. Aiden too, which surprised Luther. He was hurting and tired but still enjoyed the company of people, all of the other times he'd been alone. Now he had his most precious person and daughter right by his side holding his hand, trying to make some of that pain go away...before he went away completely.

Then a full field fell to three people. It was warm, every now and again a light freeze would ruffle Ally's black bangs on her forehead. Tears just as blue as those eyes dripped on his chest. He needed to tell her 'It's time, I have to go now' but Ally already knew. Lilly sat on her lap patting Luther's hand playfully. It was time to say their last goodbyes.