Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 99 "5 Years Time."

'It's been a while huh? In a way, I look forward to this day, almost like we're sitting together again. It makes me feel like our love wasn't cut so short.'

Surrounded by wild sunflowers and dandelions stood a girl with hip-length black hair, dressed modestly in black clenching her hand tightly around a well maintained...headstone. It had been 5 years since that fated day, one that turned her whole world around. Still, no matter the weather or situation, she always made it back to this spot on the same day every year. To tell him about her life, about their daughter. It was chilly and the air was slightly bitter yet the sun shone beautifully, so different from the way this place used to be before. There was once a house here, where people grew and trained to survive, now it was nothing more than an empty field.

'I moved on from this world and decided to broaden my horizons, not only that I didn't want or daughter to be confined from the world, our kind can co-exist with humans. Sometimes I think about the time we spent together. How much I miss your sly smiles, even five years later I haven't forgotten those glossy red eyes. At first, I felt guilty for moving on, thinking foolishly that one day you'd come back. But now I know you wanted that for me, you wanted me to be happy. Honestly, I can tell you I'm very happy. Lilly is doing amazing in school, she also very athletic different from her brother. Noah takes after Isaac almost like his twin, his hair is growing out into hazel fluffy curls, but just like his sister those violet eyes remind me of you and Luna. We're living in Kansas now with the family, Blake and Maya his mate are expecting their first child also. You'll be happy to know Eli, Damien and Camilla decided to explore the open world, they always seemed curious about the outside world. I'm sure they are doing you proud wherever they are. Liam became a good friend of mine and we often work together on the detective force in the Kansas security protection bureau, Isaac is training to be a self-defence instructor especially for our kind hiding amongst the humans, I want you to know I made a difference We don't live to survive anymore, we live purely to thrive and I'm going to do that enough for the both of us I love you Luther King.In the distance ,Isaac stood with Lilly hand in hand, small Noah asleep in his arms. Turning around from the grave a small happy chuckle escaped her lips along with a sly tear. Because of their warm hearted supportive smiles calling her back she kissed her hand placed it gently on his headstone and walked through the hollow grass into her families embrace.

Isaac; After Luther's heart stopped, I could hear heart-wrenching cries that made me shed a tear myself. The scene of a young mother who had already lost a part of herself then had to lose her daughters father and...the man she loved. When we finally managed to pull her away and bury him on the consecrated ground so his soul would be at ease, it was something Layla had told Ally we found out later. She cried some more until eventually, those emotions were too painful, she was an amazing mother but rarely interacted with anyone and even if Ally did it would be noises in response. 3 months later, the girl we all used to know came back bit by bit. I knew her heart was delicate and Lilly had just started crawling, so it was sore to mention anything. Most of the time we didn't say anything at all, just the presence of each other made all of the worries fade away. We didn't realize at the time but our soul bond was gradually growing back like tree roots, it was unfortunate to think Luther's death brought us back together but I was happy to see her in that light again without frustration lingering in the distance knowing she wasn't mine. Lilly wasn't my biological daughter but I still treated her like my own, I'd change her, wipe her tears when she fell and was filled with happiness when Ally's younger self began repeating. I adore her, that beautiful curly silver hair, bright violet eyes. Ally used to say it reminded her of Luna's true form, it was nice to see her every once in a while inside of the child she protected with all of her power. Ally crawled out of grief with her head held high looking to make changes for everyone in her life so they would never end up in her position. We appealed to the council asking permission to start again outside of the community which signed away any ability to return. But she wanted that, to be free from customs and fate. Vermont was initially hesitant but after Ally poured out her heart eventually he let go of his favorite creature. So we all shared funds from our pack income and started again. Aiden came along sticking close to Ally like I knew he would but it didn't bother me like before because I could tell by her neutral gaze. Aiden was special to her but in a different way. I told Ally from the start that she couldn't isolate herself, which was a typical defense mechanism of hers. But to my surprise she was the one who asked me to stay with her. From that point on we finally became a pair and welcomed our son into the world. Noah meant joiner of worlds, his mother thought it would be perfect as he would be the first child born outside of pack traditions. Now I have two children and a wife I adore. So Luther if your listening to this I want you to know I'll never break that promise. Ally will be happy for as long as I live. But know even in the afterlife I'll fight you nail and tooth.