Chapter 11: Disturbances (4)

Chadero stepped through the portal and entered the Realm King's territory. Meanwhile Jasmine stayed on the periphery, looking out for any outsiders.

As Chadero neared, 7 auras rose up from around him. Surrounding him were

Qiang Wei, Heavenly Demon Star God

Shenhu, Heavenly Aster Star God

Tumi, Heavenly Origin Star God

Yu Luo, Heavenly Poi­son Star God

Xing Juekong, Heavenly Chief Star God

Piao Fu, Heavenly Tempo Star God

Don Ke, Heavenly Punisher Star God

"Quite a show just for me?" laughed Chadero.

"Give it up." snorted Xing Juekong. "Though we are missing some members, it's enough to take care of you."

"You're surrounded by 7 Star Gods. Don't underestimate yourself." said Don Ke.

"Oh? It's you. How cruel of Princess Jasmine to throw you in here like this." smiled Yu Luo.

"I hope you can give me a good battle." smiled Chadero.

The Star Gods squinted at his remark and prepared to fight.

Don Ke and Shehhu appeared behind and in front of Chadero. They punched out towards Chadero but instantly, Chadeor rotated and caught both their fists with one hand. He strengthened his grip and crushed both their hands. Then he spun around and sent them flying towards different directions.

While Chadero was doing that, he was hit in the back by Tumi, Qiang Wei, and Piao Fu's combined divine energy blast. Chadero shot down and was drilled into the earth through the blast. Dust and debris flew everywhere. After it resided, a deep crater could be seen.

Chadero bursted out of the crater, with his upper body completely revealed. "Not bad!" he shouted. More divine energy came towards his location, but he simply waved his hand and nullified the energy.

Behind him appeared Yu Luo with a dagger. When she got close enough, she stabbed down at Chadero's head. But Chadero casually tilted his head and grabbed her wrist. Like a hammer, he slammed her down into the ground, causing a massive shockwave.

"More! More! Is this all you have?!" shouted Chadero. Above him came Piao Fu with a greatsword. He slashed down, sending an energy wave towards Chadero. Chadero casually caught the wave with his right hand, and with some pressure, cracked it apart.

While he was doing that, a frightening spear of lightning came from nowhere. At this time, Piao Fu struck again, leaving nowhere for Chadero to go. The spear penetrated Chadero's shoulder but could not completely go through. Instead, it impaled Chadero and dug him into a bottomless pit.

"Was that enough?" asked Yu Luo who stood up uneasily.

"No." said Xing Juekong coldly.

Within the bottomless pit, Chadero stood up. It was pitch black save for the spear of lightning that was still emitting divine energy. Chadero casually grabbed the spear and pulled it out. The deep wound that was on his shoulder instantly started to regenerate at an insane rate, completely healing it in seconds.

"So this is all they amount to. Ren." sighed Chadero.

The whole Star God Realm began to shake, and the sky turned pitch black. Golden wisps violently surged out of the pit that Chadero was in.

"What?! Kill him quickly!"

"Hahahah! Come! FIGHT!" screamed Chadero. His aura was fully unleashed and the Star Gods felt a crushing pressure on them. Their hearts began to thump maddeningly. Sweat poured down from their backs. "Just who did Jasmine get?!"

"Come on! FIGHT!"

Chadero flicked his index finger and Don Ke's upper body exploded. "He was just toying with us!" they thought. The other Star Gods paled at this sight and prepared to use their treasures to flee. However, Chadero's aura expanded even more and overpowered the nearby space aura. Effectively making the entire Star God Realm his domain.

"You disappoint me." sighed Chadero. He hoped that they at least had some treasure or guts to fight against him. It seemed like he was getting way too powerful to have a enjoyable fight outside of the training function.

The Star Gods turned into beasts pushed into a corner. Their profound energy exploded out as they burned some of their life force in order to further their cultivation.

"Star God Formation!" shouted Xing Juekong. The Star Gods moved around and surrounded the lax Chadero. "Star God's Divine Wrath!" They all channeled their divine energy into a illusory formation that rippled with starlight.

Chadero felt the space around him constrict. "Oh?" he exclaimed. The Star God's profound energy shot towards Chadero from all sides, enveloping him and creating a whirling sphere of death. In the center, Chadero felt his body being cut from all angles, but alas, his regeneration was too strong for them to do any real damage.

"Finish him!" he heard Xing Juekong say from outside the sphere. Suddenly, Chadero felt the energy surrounding him condense and transform. Then a massive BOOOOM! resounded through the realm.

"Did we get him?" asked Yu Luo.

"Yes. Even if he was a Divine Extinction Realm practitioner, he wouldn't be able to take a blast like that. We all imbued our special divine energy into–." said Xing Juekong.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed Chadero. He was all bloodied up and parts of his flesh was missing. However, he was regenerating at such an absurd rate, it was futile. "Is that the best you can all do?" asked Chadero.

"Impossible! How is he this strong?!" exclaimed Xing Juekong.

During his training, he was hit with much stronger blasts than that. In the end he still made it out alive during those occasions. What would this amount to?

He slowly extended his hand out towards Qiang Wei. Qiang Wei immediately felt as if he was going to die if he didn't do anything soon. Out of his dimensional space, he got out a sharp fragment of something and shot it towards Chadero. As it neared him, Chadero simply knocked it away like it was some toy.

"Spare me!" shouted Qiang Wei.

Then Chadero clasped his hand. Below Qiang Wu appeared an illusory golden hand that clasped and crushed him.

"Honestly... I came here for some fun." sighed Chadero. "Do none of you have anything?"

"Wait! We will give you possession of the Star Gods Legacy and the Realm!" shouted Xing Juekong. "The legacy of 12 true gods surely must be enticing to you!"

"Indeed it is. But why would I bother when I can simply kill you all?" said Chadero.

"We are with the Brahma Monarch God Realm! If you attack us, would you not be inviting trouble for yourself?" said Xing Juekong hurriedly.

"3..." counted Chadero slowly.

"I will become your servant! I'll tell you all I know!"


"I will give you all the treasures stored in the Realm! They're only accessible by me!"


"I have a clue of where the World Piercer is!" resounded Xing Juekong's frantic voice.

Now Chadero was interested. "Oh..? Very well then. But for the rest of you... anything?" he asked lazily. None of them said a word.

"Wait! I will be your servant. I also have a clue of where the World Piercer is!" shouted Yu Luo.

"Very well." said Chadero. "As for the rest of you..." He snapped his fingers and 5 palms appeared out of nowhere, squashing the Star Gods except for Yu Luo and Xing Juekong.

Above, divine sense were scouring the area and looking at the scene.

"The World Piercer?!"

"Xing Juekong had information on it! That sly fox!"

"Looks like it'll be on this man's hands then."

"But who is he?"

The realm kings of nearby realms conversed. Below Chadero furrowed his brows. It would be risky for the divine senses to keep watching at this point. The only reason he had allowed them to stay was to exhibit his powers. He sent out a palm towards the sky. The space contorted and the divine senses fled.


"He was actually able to attack our divine senses!"

Chadero looked at Jasmine from a distance and shaked his head. Indicating to not follow him. "Please follow me then." said Xing Juekong. They came near a palace and Xing Juekong disabled the formations with a thought. Yu Luo followed behind Chadero silently.

Eventually after walking in the palace, they approached a door with heavenly bodies emobided on it. The stars could be seen floating around in the crystal door and it was a sight to behold. Xing Juekong pushed the door and the ring on his right hand resonated with it. He lead Chadero to a grand room, filled with spatial rings & treasures.

The treasury was decorated with fine starry crystals that radiated purity and energy. It looked like a crystal palace. Xing Juekong bowed and said respectfully "These are all yours my liege."

Yu Luo watched this all happen and knew that the spatial rings were blocked by an imperceptible formation that would kill anyone that did not have the Star God blood. Out of instinct, she felt like it would be bad for her. The young man before her possessed immense strength and might even survive. When that happens, not only will Xing Juekong get killed, but she'll get caught in it.

"My lord! Xing Juekong is plotting against you! Those spatial rings are protected by a formation set by the 12 original Star Gods!" she yelled.

"Oh?" said Chadero with a mischevious glint in his eyes. He knew all along that it was too easy for Xing Juekong to simply lead him to the treasury. He waited to see if Yu Luo would notify him as a test of faith.

Xing Juekong's eyes turned bloodshot as he yelled at Yu Luo, "Bitch!!" and charged at her. But before he could get his hands on her, he felt a emptiness inside. He peered down and saw a hand through his chest, with his heart in it, still beating.

"Xing Juekong, you disappoint me." said Chadero.

"Forgi–" yelled Xing Juekong frantically, but Chadero crushed his heart and his body began to drop.

"You have done well Yu Luo." said Chadero.

Yu Luo bowed and responded. "It is my duty to please master."

Chadero used Gyo and looked at the treasures. Indeed, there was a formation there, not many would be able to see it aside from him. "Shouldn't be too tough to break it." he thought.

"Ko. Dragon God Incarnation. Divine Armour." muttered Chadero. His arm erupted with a deadly aura and scales began to appear. On top of that, a translucent golden line could be seen covering his arm. Chadero punched out and hit the formation. The formation seemed to have a mind of its own and tried to absorb Chadero's arm, but Chadero's nen was too overbearing and would disintegrate the part of the formation that got too close.

"Break for me!"

A few seconds later, the formation flashed and dissipated, releasing a torrent of profound energy outside.

Chadero amplified his voice and shouted. "Jasmine! You can come now!"