Getting Aquainted

"Can I have her?", Liu Shangbi said chuckling a bit in his heart,"If not, I may have to investigate what is so special about these... new maids. Hehe".

"Yes... brother, you may take her on as... your maid.", the fourth prince ground out.

Liu Shangbi new, then, that his brother the fourth prince was hiding something about this maid and that it was probably connected to his spy's concernes. Besides, what harm could she do and it might be fun to play with the girl a little.

He grinned and said directly to the girl,"Come then! I think that I should be the one to show you around!"


Lu Feiji felt a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she kept her act up. Spy rule number 4: Act to the very end, never reveal your secrets.

She "timidly" stepped toward the fifth prince, as she drew closer she made herself "blush" as if she were bashful in the face of the two princes.

"Yes, your highness fifth prince.", she said ducking her head.

"Come, we should get... aquainted.", the fifth prince said with an undertone she couldn't quite place.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

A warning signal went off in her head, but she had no choice but to follow the prince out the door.

She silently followed the fifth prince down the hallway to the west wing as he monotoniously explained the different features and what doors lead where. She blurred the information in her head and stored it for later.

"... And my room, is down the hall to the left corridor in the last room to the right.", he said with a spark of interest and anxiety.

Lu Feiji's expression remained clear and timid, but her mind yelled, Get out! Danger! Not trustworthy! Gonna catch you!

The fifth prince continued on, but she could tell he was studying her out of the corner of his eye. Suddenly he stopped talking about the palace, and said with a trace of a smile,"By the way, don't call me his majesty the fifth prince... call me Master or Liu Shangbi".

This was obviously a provocative statement, but Lu Feiji just nodded slowly in understanding. Her heart burning with fury and annoyance, if this was her regular mission, she would have long scared his wits out of him and silenced him.

They walked some more in silence, then the Liu Shangbi showed her her room. "Don't worry, we will move you somewhere closer to mine", he said giving her a huge smile that most girls felt faint at.

Lu Feiji just looked at him with cool understanding in her eyes, "Of course your majesty, thank you for being so considerate. I would love to move closer to your rooms to be able to clean them better." In her head, Lu Feiji laughed coldly, this guy Liu Shangbi cannot possibly get me! I won't fall for his useless tricks!