His Heart Ached Terribly For Her

Huo Sanyan was stuffed. She rubbed at her tummy and let out a hearty burp, then said half-heartedly, "Need help washing the dishes?"

"No need."

Huo Yunshen only wanted her out of his house as soon as possible.

"Oh, I knew that my brother was always thinking of me! He didn't want me to tire myself after a long day's work. Well then, I'll go take a break."

Huo Sanyan went to the living room and lay comfortably on the sofa, picked up the remote and turned on the TV. She made herself more comfortable than she usually did at her own place.

"You've already ate and drank enough, shouldn't you be going home now?" said Huo Yunshen as he steered his wheelchair towards her.

"But it's still early. Besides, I got nothing to do at home."

Huo Sanyan suddenly remembered about the video game equipment under the coffee table. She got up from the sofa, "Ah ha! How about we spent the night playing The Royal Alliance!"