They’ve Crossed the Line

Lu Qiancheng opened his hand to show his slingshot. "Uncle! I'm trying to hit a bird with this."

"Did you hit one?"

The kid scratched his head and pouted, "No…"

"Then you'll have to practice more," Huo Yunshen said, smiling.

"Okay!" Lu Qiancheng nodded. "Uncle, can you make me a large slingshot next time? Mine is smaller than Xiaoming's, and he keeps making fun of me."

"Of course, I'll make you the biggest one in the hood."

"Thank you!" Lu Qiancheng jumped up and down.

Huo Yunshen asked Xu Xiyan to push him into the house, and they suddenly heard some chattering on the other side of the wall.

"I've heard that even though it's a birthday celebration today, they are actually trying to set up a blind date for the young master. You better do your best. If the young master takes notice of you and takes you in as his wife, our family will definitely flourish!"