Already Found the Treasure

After the other two had left, Fang Xiaocheng and Ying Bao were waiting in line for the Treasure Hunt ride.

Coincidentally, Ying Bao sat next to Tang Feimo during the ride.

The two children were both excited. When the ride was about to begin, Ying Bao thought that the mask was getting in the way and asked Fang Xiaocheng, "Mummy Orange, can I take off my mask?"

"Of course you can." Fang Xiaocheng helped her take off the mask. She was not afraid that other people might notice Ying Bao, as the ride was very dark.

Ying Bao raised her head to look at the rainbow-colored lights on top, and her beret fell off.

"Where did my hat go?" Ying Bao asked, touching her head.

The beret landed on Tang Feimo's side, and he picked it up.

"Here, your hat," he said as he handed Ying Bao the beret.

Ying Bao turned and noticed that a slightly older boy had helped her picked her hat up. "It's my hat! Thank you!" she said.