I’ve Seen Every Inch of Your Body

Huo Yunshen would always think of dirty stuff whenever he saw Xu Xiyan.

He was afraid that he would lose his composure in front of her.

"But what?" Xu Xiyan hugged her arms and asked. "Come on, I've already seen every inch of your body, what are you even embarrassed about?"


Shouldn't this be my line instead of hers?

Huo Yunshen's face reddened, and his temperature rose.

"Come on now, you're the patient, and I'm the doctor. You should listen to the doctor, you know." Xu Xiyan smiled warmly and helped him wipe his body with the towel.

After a few moments, Xu Xiyan let out an awkward cry and stared between Huo Yunshen's leg. "Wait… I thought…," Xu Xiyan stammerered. "I thought you weren't able to do that anymore?"

Rumors are spreading out there about Huo Yunshen's sexual dysfunction, and even the doctor confirmed it. So… what am I looking at right now?

My eyes are definitely normal…