I Don’t Have That Kind of Luck

"They're on the shelf over there."

Xu Xiyan followed his finger and found the flower seeds.

Surprisingly, the shelf was filled with all sorts of succulents, and they looked like the ones that were sold on Ying Bao's livestreams.

Xu Xiyan picked up a few of the succulents and checked the labels underneath.

Alice in Succulent Land, Raider of the Lost Succulent, Succulent Story…

They really are the succulents that Ying Bao was selling!

Xu Xiyan shouted excitedly. She couldn't believe that it was Huo Yunshen who had bought all these plants.

Wait, doesn't this mean Huo Yunshen is the billionaire "Tianshang Paiolai Yiduo Yun?"

What a small world! How would he react if he knew he'd bought so many plants from his own daughter?

Xu Xiyan retrieved the seeds and asked Huo Yunshen, "Mr. Huo, I saw that you have a lot of succulents on the shelf, where did you get them from?"