I’m Only Here For the Treatment Though...

Jing Huaduo saw the man in the wheelchair, and his smile froze on his face. Is this the guy that my granddaughter is dating?

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jing. My name is Huo Yunshen."

Jing Huaduo knew who Huo Yunshen was.

This man sitting in a wheelchair could only be Huo Xun's grandson.

The Jing and Huo family had been on bad terms for a long time, especially Jing Huaduo, who disliked them the most.

The reason was that Huo Xun had stolen Jing Huaduo's childhood friend and crush, Yun Meng, from him.

It always hurt Jing Huaduo whenever he thought of it.

He wasn't about to let Huo Xun's grandson take his granddaughter away, too.

"Yanyan, come out with me for a while," Jing Huaduo said, signaling for Xu Xiyan to come to the garden.

Xu Xiyan had no idea what her grandfather wanted and followed him. She asked Huo Yunshen to wait for her inside before leaving.

"Yanyan, what's your relationship with Huo Yunshen?" Jing Huaduo asked.