Caught Her By Surprise

The two entered the house. Fang Xiaocheng helped Xu Xiyan to the sofa so she could rest there, then went to pour a glass of water for her.

Just as Fang Xiaocheng returned to the living room with the glass of water, someone was unlocking the door of the apartment. When the door swung open, Huo Yunshen entered in his wheelchair and met Fang Xiaocheng face to face.

Huo Yunshen froze. He had waited the whole night but Xu Xiyan did not come back. When he heard the door of apartment 102 opening, he thought Xu Xiyan had returned.

He had been so anxious and in such a hurry that he didn't bother knocking and had directly unlocked it with the key. He had certainly not expected that someone else would be in the house.

It was already too late for him to retreat.