A Father and Daugher’s First Meeing (Part 3)

Huo Yunshen took out a chocolate lollipop from his pocket and said, "Well, since you can't find your candy, how about I treat you to this one?"

Ying Bao raised her head, and her eyes lit up when she saw it was a bunny-shaped chocolate candy.

She wanted to have it so badly, but she suddenly remembered that her mother had told her to not accept any gifts from strangers.

The cute little girl looked at Xu Xiyan for her approval. Xu Xiyan walked out of the kitchen and said, "Since it's from this uncle, you can take it if you want."

"Yay! I love chocolate the most!" Ying Bao took the chocolate from Huo Yunshen and asked him to help her remove the packaging. But she didn't eat it right away. She took the candy into the kitchen to let her mother have a bite first.

This was Ying Bao's habit; whenever she had something to eat, she would always think of her mother first.

Xu Xiyan took a bite and gasped, "Wow! It's so good."