One In A Million Chance

The ingredients at the bottom of the hot pot were almost cooked, and the soup was simmering. Xu Xiyan invited everyone to dig in. "Come, everyone! Let's eat! Please help yourselves!"

Fang Xiaocheng picked a mushroom ball from the hotpot and dipped it in peanut sauce. "Here, Cherry, have a mushroom ball! I've dipped it in peanut sauce for you."

"It's okay, Orange Mommy, you can have it. Baby doesn't want it," Ying Bao shook her head. She scooped up a beef ball with a spoon and took a big bite out of it happily.

Xu Xiyan added, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that Ying Bao cannot have peanut butter. She's allergic to it."

She's allergic to peanut sauce?

Huo Yunshen jerked his head up at the little girl. She was also allergic to peanuts?

He was allergic to it too!

What a coincidence!