Is He Trying to Ruin His Career?

Xu Xiyan had insulted Zhao Ruiqi without any cursing, which shut her up.

Xu Xiyan was smart, so any person who tried to insult or argue with her would only find themselves on the losing side.

Xu Xiyan walked past Zhao Ruiqi and went into the makeup studio.

As Linda applied Xu Xiyan's makeup, she explained everything that had happened on the day after she'd collapsed.

"Ma Haodong scolded Huang Guoqiang?" Xu Xiyan asked in disbelief.

"Yup. He said that the director is trying to murder you."

Linda had already befriended Xu Xiyan, so they would discuss a few matters from time to time. "Looks like he's really worried about you. You're so lucky that you've found yourself such a good boyfriend."

"Come on, you're mistaken. We're just really good friends," Xu Xiyan laughed. "But I never would've thought that he would scold the director because of me."

What is he thinking? Is he trying to ruin his career?