Love Is Enough to Fill One’s Stomach

Xu Xiyan did not wait for Huo Yunshen to reply. She walked towards the kitchen and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Noodles. I still want noodles," Huo Yunshen said while looking at her back.

"Okay, give me 10 minutes," Xu Xiyan said with a smile.

Xu Xiyan finished cooking two Stewed Meat Noodles in 10 minutes, and they ate together.

To Huo Yunshen, the love he was feeling was enough to fill his stomach.

As long as he was together with Xu Xiyan, he didn't care what he was eating, even drinking water was enough for him as long as they were together.

Xu Xiyan helped him with his massage and went back into her own house.

The next day, after a good night's rest, Xu Xiyan went to the set. She got a call from Fang Xiaocheng on her way, and Fang Xiaocheng shouted, "Yanyan! Yanyan! You're on the headline!"

"What headline?" Xu Xiyan hadn't had the time to check the news.