Couldn’t Be Any More Familiar

His tone was soft like the wind blowing on a feather, his threatening words spoken gently, but with a sense odf deterrence.

He warned Song Xiangping, that if she dared to speak a word, it would not just be a few slaps the next time.

Song Xiangping's face turned pale as she kept assuring him, saying, "No, no, no. I'll keep my mouth shut. I won't tell for the life of me! Mr. Huo, please rest assured! Think of me as blind and dumb, seeing nothing and saying nothing."

"Well, scram then!"

Huo Yunshen nodded his head slightly.

As though awarded an amnesty, Song Xiangping frantically ran away, along with her henchmen, leaving Ma Haodong behind.

After they'd left, Wan Dou held onto Xu Xiyan's hands and anxiously checked for injury. "Jing Xi, are you hurt anywhere?"

"No external injury. But I think possibly, maybe, I might have… an internal injury."