What Is Happening?

The netizens who had scolded Xu Xiyan before started to come to their senses.

[What the hell? There's still another side to the story?]

[Looks like we've been misunderstanding the whole situation! Jing Xi is the victim here, not the perpetrator!]

[Why is Chu Yuhe making Jing Xi's life difficult?]

[That's too much! That was some decent acting, why would he say it was bad acting?]

[Why was the truth kept from us until now? Is the company trying to hype up the whole movie by using this rookie?]

[I'm beginning to wonder if the stories about Jing Xi were true or not.]

The netizens began to shift their opinions in favor of Xu Xiyan. Ma Haodong's fans who had hated Xu Xiyan finally realized they were doing the wrong thing all along.

A considerable amount of people began to leave apologies on Xu Xiyan's official account.