What Can I Do To Make You Forgive Me?

"Maybe!" Xu Xiyan had made an excuse to go to the bathroom, only to give Xiao Yuqian and Ma Haodong the opportunity to speak to each other alone.

After Xu Xiyan and Wan Dou had left, Ma Haodong and Xiao Yuqian were the only people in the room.

On one side, Ma Haodong was emitting a warm aura. On the other side, the air was cold around Xiao Yuqian. The two airflows clashed with each other and were deadlocked.

Ma Haodong couldn't help but break the ice first. "I know that you hate me because of what happened in the past. It has always been on my mind, but it has already been six years. Can you please let go of your resentment towards me?"

"Hmph," Xiao Yuqian snorted, giving him a tacit response.

She didn't look at him. Her eyes were staring coldly at the bright goblet on the table, bitterness creeping into her heart.

If only she hadn't met Ma Haodong six years ago, her life would not have been turned upside down.