Went With Her Prince Charming

Xu Xiyan and Wan Dou looked at each other, speechless.

Ma Haodong was wearing a dress and a wig, to the outside world he was a perfect "beauty." And yet he was carrying a girl on his shoulder, something that a lady would definitely not do.

They left the restaurant and discussed how to get home. In the end, they decided that Wan Dou would drive Xiao Yuqian's car back, and Xu Xiyan would drive Ma Haodong's Ferrari. As for Ma Haodong, he would take a cab and send Xiao Yuqian back.

Xu Xiyan was the only one left after everyone had left. Just as she was about to go and get the Ferrari, her phone rang. Huo Yunshen was calling her.

Xu Xiyan felt a warmth in her heart as he picked up the call instantly.

"Hello? Mr. Huo? Where are you now?" Xu Xiyan asked with her sweet voice.

Maybe because her beautiful voice was a huge contrast from her male disguise, a couple that walked past Xu Xiyan looked at her with shock in their eyes.