Especially Attractive

Xu Xiyan walked softly to Huo Yunshen's door and took a peek to see if he was awake. Opening the door slightly, Xu Xiyan realized that no one was inside.

Xu Xiyan pushed open the door and looked around. Huo Yunshen was not in the room.

Could he have woken up already?

She walked over to Huo Yunshen's bed and helped tidy it up before leaving the room again.

When she walked past the indoor gym, she heard some noise. Xu Xiyan gently pushed the door open and saw Huo Yunshen.

He was wearing a black fitted vest and sports shorts, and was training so hard that his tanned body was covered in sweat.

Men looked especially attractive when exercising, she thought.

His figure was great, he kept fit despite being paralyzed for five years. It must've been due to the tough and consistent training he underwent every day.

"Xi Baby! Uncle Dimples is here!"

Ying Bao was elated to find Uncle Dimples.