Got What He Deserved

Could it be because of Xu Xiyan? That's impossible, right?

Chu Yuhe went to Yunhai Entertainment again to look for Huo Yunshen, but Huo Yunshen refused to see him.

Without the alliance, the CEO of Yunhai Entertainment wasn't someone that Chu Yuhe could meet without an appointment.

Chu Yuhe had no choice but to look for Huo Jingtang, but he gave him the same treatment.

Without the help from Yunhai Entertainment, Juxing's stock plummeted.

Chu Yuhe was desperate. He was being cornered by reporters outside of his company and by the stockholders inside his company.

All he had left was to ask Xu Xinrou for help.

He went back to his apartment and tried to hug Xu Xinrou.

But what he got was a slap from her.

"My love… what was that for?"

"Don't you dare call me that!" Xu Xinrou scolded. "I'm just a woman who's unreasonable, always acted high and mighty, and materialistic to you, aren't I?"