Isn’t That Too Vicious?

Ying Bao finally relaxed and smiled. She began to like uncle Dimple more and more.

He's like a superhero!

Huo Yunshen bore his pain and continued to play with Ying Bao, not wanting to spoil the child's day or disturb Xu Xiyan.

They went for a picnic that was prepared by Yi Xiao for lunch.

Meanwhile, it was break time on the "Root of Evil" set.

Xu Xiyan checked the timetable and noticed she was booked on both sides from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

That meant she only had two hours of break time. She remembered that she had to go to the hospital and get the medicines for Huo Yunshen, and quickly drove there.

She did not make an appointment with Professor Qin and didn't even register at the front desk. She charged straight into the elevator and headed for Professor Qin's office.

She stood in front of the office's door to catch her breath.