Xu Xiyan is a Devious Person

Huang Yanran could only sit at the side and stare at the director and editor who were going over the edits. She was overwhelmed by a feeling of uneasiness.

She had to admit that Xu Xiyan was performing better than she had. She could do stunts that Huang Yanran could never do. And even with things that Huang Yanran excelled at, Xu Xiyan could do them better.

Being an actor was something that required both hard work and talent.

Huang Yanran did not have any acting talents. Her degree from Peijing Film Institution had been bought with money, and she'd gotten into the entertainment business by using her connections. She became famous because she had behind-the-back deals with a few rich men.

Without all those resources, Huang Yanran would never beat Xu Xiyan with her acting prowess.