It’s Really Tiring To Act Pure And Innocent

At this point, Huo Yunshen was really worried about Xu Xiyan. Worried that she might have injured her muscles or bones, judging from the strained back and twisted ankle.

Upon the thought of this, he immediately took out his phone and called Yi Xiao. He instructed, "Immediately arrange for a helicopter to come over now!"

When Xu Xiyan heard him arranging for a helicopter, she was shocked. Did she overreact and escalate the problem?

"Mr. Huo, aren't we taking the boat back?"

They'd come in a boat and Xu Xiyan thought they would return the same way.

"Taking the boat is too slow."

Huo Yunshen's brow was furrowed, and he had worry written all over his face.

He needed to send her to the hospital for treatment immediately without any delay.

Xu Xiyan never wanted to create trouble for him, she just wanted to be closer to him. Now that things had turned this way, she would be ashamed if she jumped down and said she was all right.