The Little Girl Was Hurt

"Come on, little brother, don't get angry," Huo Sanyan said as she picked up her bag. "I have a date I have to get to, you'll have to teach me to cook some other time, bye."

Like hell, there'll be another time!

"You better not come again!" Huo Yunshen shouted and threw his slipper towards Huo Sanyan.

Huo Sanyan quickly closed the door to block the shoe.

"You shouldn't throw stuff like that," Huo Sanyan said, opening the door a little. "Even if you can't hit me with that, you might hit the plants you have here."

"Leave!" Huo Yunshen shouted, and this time, he threw a huge pillow at her.

Huo Sanyan quickly left, and Huo Yunshen finally could get some peace.

After he'd calmed down, he began to worry about the little girl.

Is she still with Jing Xi and Fang Xiaocheng?

Xu Xiyan finished her call and was about to get out of the car when she saw Ying Bao running out from the building.