A Kiss of Gratitude

[Yup, I'm home, where are you?] Huo Yunshen replied. [Is Cherry Baby with you? How is she?]

It was clear that Huo Yunshen was worried about Ying Bao.

[I'm at the building gate, can I go to your house now?]

Huo Yunshen did not reply and went straight to the gate to get them.

The gate opened, and a man in a wheelchair came out.

Ying Bao noticed Huo Yunshen coming out from the building and struggled free of her mother's hand. She ran straight into Huo Yunshen's arms.

"Uncle Dimple!"

"Cherry Baby!" Huo Yunshen said as he picked Ying Bao up.

Ying Bao cuddled up in his arms as Huo Yunshen patted her head.

Huo Yunshen began to wonder why he would love Ying Bao so much, even to the extent where he would miss her when she wasn't around.

Xu Xiyan stood not far from them as she looked at the father and daughter cuddling each other.