How Heartless

Ma Haodong slowly turned around, ignoring the cameras. He glowered at the angry family members and the middle-aged woman who had just splashed him with paint.

"Go ahead! Make more trouble! But let me tell you, every one of you must be responsible for your actions today! Is Jing Xi really responsible for Jia Qing's death? The police have not even concluded their investigation. So what evidence do you have to accuse Jing Xi with? Whether Jia Qing's death was an accident or a murder, the truth will come one day. Friends of the media, point your cameras at these people, remember every one of their faces, and write down everything they've done today. When that day comes, I want all of you who accused Jing Xi, all of you who wronged her, to apologize to her."

Ma Haodong's stern words had stunned those who had made trouble.