A Big Change

The topic of Jia Qing's poisoning had always brought a heavy atmosphere.

Huo Yunshen thought of a more light-hearted topic. "Jing Xi, my new single is out. Do you want to hear it?"

"Yes, of course, I want to!"

Xu Xiyan's glossy eyes sparkled brightly, like sunlight on a flowing autumn stream.

Huo Yunshen took out an apnano player and held it out her. Xu Xiyan moved to his side and took it from him, then put the earphones in her ears and switched on the player.

The intro of the song played in the earphones. Xu Xiyan calmed herself down and listened to the music carefully.

The intro was very melodious. It was very nice, and Ni Yun's familiar and distinct style could be heard in the melody.

"Vaguely remembering your charming eyes, bright as the most beautiful stars in the night sky, the gentlest is your hand, lighting the way out of the darkness…"