A Love Rival Appeared

In order to verify whether her son had a woman, Chen Yunlu entered the music concert with her ticket.

In the box on the 2ndfloor, Xu Xiyan and Huo Yunshen drank tea while they waited for the concert to start.

Xue Yating's violin recital was rather large scale, and the seats were all sold out. One could see how popular she was in the country.

The concert started. Xue Yating wore a long black gown and held her Artemis violin, slowly walking onto the grand stage.

The host gave an opening introduction through the stereo, introducing Xue Yating's background and her music achievements. Then, Xue Yating began her violin solo.

Xu Xiyan gazed at Xue Yating on stage, seeing her every movement and habit while playing the violin.

Wonderful music entered the ears, but something just felt amiss.

Huo Yunshen held his head in one hand. His eyes shined but he was not looking at the stage. He looked at one point in a daze.