The First Girl To Come Home With Him

Huo Zhen sent his father back to his room, then quickly went to find his wife, Chen Yunlu. His son bringing his girlfriend back was such big news that he must let her know right away.

Outside, Xu Xiyan was dressed in white, looking clean and neat as she appeared in the Huo family mansion, attracting the attention of many servants to come and look at her as she pushed Huo Yunshen into the inner courtyard.

"Mr. Huo, look at the eyes of all those people watching me. Do you think that they're thinking that I'm your girlfriend?" Xu Xiyan joked.

"Yeah, just don't mind them."

Huo Yunshen kept an indifferent expression on his face but he felt pleased inside. Of course, you are the first girl to come home with me, and they will definitely think that you are my girlfriend.