The Best Counter

"What did my husband get himself into?" Jia Qing's wife cried. "Our son is only one, how is he suppose to live without a father?"

She was in her 30's, shocked by the sudden news of her husband's death.

Their child was only one and was bedridden by a serious illness. The hospital bill was already squeezing them dry, and her husband's death may have just ruined their lives.

The atmosphere was tense, Guan Hao looked at Xiao Yuqian as she took the microphone.

"I know that the proof that we've provided wasn't substantial," Xiao Yuqian said. "Since we have most media representatives here, why don't we invite one of the parties to tell us the whole story?"

The crowd shifted under the sudden announcement.

Which party?

He Liang?

The door flew open as a few officers pushed a man in a wheelchair into the hall.