Guilty Conscience

Even when He Liang kept on insisting that he was the mastermind, people remained skeptical.

They couldn't bring themselves to believe that Huang Yanran had nothing to do with it.

Bedridden by the backlash, Huang Yanran found herself worried all the time and couldn't sleep, even when she was drained.

She even forgot her lines and spaced out when she was working one day.

"What the hell are you doing?" Peng Sicheng shouted angrily as he threw his script on the ground. "Can you show some professionality? If you don't want this spot anymore, then leave!"

Huang Yanran was summoned back to Yunhai Entertainment as soon as her work ended that day.

It was her first time stepping foot inside the CEO's office.

She'd never had the chance to meet with Huo Yunshen alone. Her heart beat wildly as he suddenly called her to his office.