Way Too Handsome

Ma Haodong called Xu Xiyan to invite her to lunch as the voting was in full swing, but to his disappointment, Xu Xiyan was already on a private plane heading to Estan.

Since there was AC on the plane, Huo Yunshen took out two blankets, one for Xu Xiyan and one for himself.

"You can sleep for a while if you're sleepy," Huo Yunshen said.

"All right."

After the plane had ascended to the stratosphere, Xu Xiyan lay on the couch in a comfortable position and closed her eyes.

Xu Xiyan had quite a lot of free time for the next few days since there was no scenes for her to shoot.

She took the chance to follow Huo Yunshen to Estan to shoot his new music video.

Before she left, she'd visited Xue Yating in the hospital, but Xue Yating remained unconscious.