Her Confession Plan

She was going to wear the special bracelet, but failed after several tries. Huo Yunshen volunteered to help, "Let me put it on for you."

"All right." Xu Xiyan nodded

She gave him her hand and handed the bracelet to him.

Huo Yunshen buckled the bracelet onto her fair wrist, and the size was just right.

Xu Xiyan waved her arms and her eyes narrowed into a crescent as she smiled. "It looks really pretty! It's very unique too! I like it a lot! Thank you, Mr. Huo!"

Xu Xiyan was elated to receive a gift from Prince Charming. It was so precious to her that she planned to wear it every single day.

Leaving the pottery workshop, they continued to walk along the market. In a clothing store, Xu Xiyan tried on a unique bohemian maxi dress where the skirt was particularly large.

"Mr. Huo, how do I look?"

When Xu Xiyan lifted the skirt and appeared in front of him, she was wearing a hat as well.

"Not bad!"

Huo Yunshen was stunned.