She Would Be Fine

"I'm going to save someone! I'll be back really quick! Trust me!"

Xu Xiyan held on tight to his palm with both her hands, comforting him, telling him not worry, as she would be fine.

After that, she crouched down and went out from behind the bar counter.

At the same time, leaders of all the JS Group command centers around the world received the highest-level SOS rescue signal.

The red alert indicated that the top leader of JS Group, "Zeus," was in trouble. The first thing the leaders had to do was to determine the exact coordinates where the signal came from, and then arrange for reinforcements.

The signal coordinates were determined: Estan, Likee Town.

Jing Zhannan, leader of JS First Squadron, codename "Nightfall," immediately deployed the elites of First Squadron to go to Likee Town after receiving the alert.